I finally said it...I don't like jw's

by kzjw 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    Reniaa said: I am a JW i'm a faded one, I have repeatedly said I've never been df'd or da'd I just faded and am only having a study as a refresher lol I have been baptised and though I faded I have never repudiated jehovah in my life, I've questioned him and my choices but my paths have led back to him

    Really? What are you doing posting on an 'apostate' website then Reniaa? What would the elders say if they knew you were doing this? Do you really believe that posting on this site would be approved by the WTS?

    You never bothered to answer the questions we posted on the other thread. You just let it go as you obviously had no response.

    You are either a troll or a Pathological Liar. Two wonderful qualities for a "christian". For myself, I think you're the latter. Your postings smack of a Witness who really has no idea of what they're talking about.

  • mrsjones5

    Of course no one has the right to choose someone's religion but if it starts to damage a marriage them something has to be done. Going to the brothers is not an option because most if not all of them are not trained to professionally counsel a marriage and they would have an unfair bias from the start. Kzjw has not said that he was dictating to his wife what she can do, he has not stood in the way of her going back and pioneering. I can feel his frustration because he knows his wife is being misled and that is harming his marriage.


    Mary..Are you suggesting Reniaa is not a "Truthful Person"??..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • cognac
    Part of the reason the spouses of new converts freak out is because they remember the old spouse, the life together before the jw's. I can honestly say that I do not see one, not one positive change in my husbands since he became a jw. Many negative ones all due to policies of jw's but no positive or healthy changes due to policies of the wt. They become different people and shades of the old self are far and few between and you hang onto hope because of those moments. You begin to wonder what will be your tipping point or that you have reached it and low and behold the old self shines through for a little while and you remember, then you mourn again the loss when the jw self returns. And so the roller coaster goes on and on.
    When a spouse changes the entire fabric of the family there is going be consequences.

    Very well said Carla! If this religion didn't have such a tremendous negative impact then there probably wouldn't be any problem.

  • mouthy

    Well she knows she doesnt have to tell the truth to those who dont deserve it. It is written in the rules of the WT

    Renniaa for goodness sake read the two books I adviced

  • reniaa

    Well she knows she doesnt have to tell the truth to those who dont deserve it. It is written in the rules of the WT

    Renniaa for goodness sake read the two books I adviced

    hi mouthy I don't lie, And need no excuses to lie, you'll have to show me in which wt it says you can lie to people who don't deserve it?

    Thank you for your words but no! not for me is books filled with personal opinion and negative spin on WTs, I get the pretty full picture of all that on here, just because they are in book format doesn't make them any less personal or subjective and selective in what they put.

    I have to say I do think of myself more as a Jw these days and that is reflected more in my words, when I first came on here I was unsure and hurt but time has helped me come to terms with things, this site has shown me there is a world of difference between faded/inactive and Da'd and df'd.


  • carla

    Renaii said, "you'll have to show me in which wt it says you can lie to people who don't deserve it?"-- as usual a jw who doesn't know their own literature. Check the Aid book pg 1060. There are other times the wt has said something similar. See? this is why jw's are always talking out of their ass, they don't know the bible, aren't even allowed to read it and they don't know their own literature or history. If ignorance is bliss they are blissful beyond words.

  • mouthy

    You beat me to it Carla 1061 under "LIE" second pharagraph
    "However persons who are momentarily overreached in telling a lie do not automatically become guilty of an unforgivable sin. The case of Peter ,in denying Jesus 3 times ,illustrates that,if a person is truly repentant ,God will forgive him

    While Malicious lying is defiantely condemned in the Bible ,this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it "

    O.K. Reniaa There it is read it,dont believe me

  • mouthy

    Reniaa you have an e-mail


    (((Mouthy)))..Girl,your just 2 sweet..Don`t expect much from Reniaa..She ignores anything that makes the WBT$ look bad....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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