wasasister returns to Kingdom Hall

by wasasister 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Whew! I worried about you. You must be a better woman than I am, because I wouldn't have gone......couldn't ever set foot in a KH again, not after they way they talk about us, all gossip. I couldn't go to my stepfather's memorial.......no way. I won't go when my mother dies either. The family will have one in another location, and if the congregation wants to do one, it's up to them. My entire family agrees on this.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • bluesapphire

    Mulan, good point about the memorial services of your parents. I always tell my husband that since my sister is the only JW in the family, if she died we would have a Catholic funeral for her and tell the dubs to stick it up their asses! I mean what could they do? Well, they could have their own but who cares. They would have to eat it and see all the NON-CONTROL they really have!

    Of course I would rather my sister leave the cult and get a life but, well....

  • ozziepost

    G'day Marilyn,

    You raise an important point about funeral services or memorials. What would we do when the time comes? Mrs Ozzie and I have 'made our arranagements' and they certainly don't involve a KH or a JW speaker. How hypocritical it would be. Although of course, to the person who has died, it's immaterial.

    This issue in our lives seems worthy of a separate thread.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Mrs Rocky
    Mrs Rocky

    Just went through the memorial at the Kingdom Hall business a month ago when my father in law passed. He was never a witness but my mother in law is 45 years in and devout. So the congregation opened its doors for her. Funny tho', non witness family and FIL's classmates from 50+ years ago outnumber congregation people. Extra sad for mum in law, she should be worth more than that. Only a few came to the house for the dinner afterward, mostly our neighbors. Felt bad for the elder giving the talk - mostly from outline... same old stuff, hardly anything about my father in law.

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