Did you ever go in field service after realizing it was not the truth?

by Samuel Thorsen 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • boyzone

    I couldn't stomach going out with the Society's literature the last time I went on FS. (about 18 months ago) I just had the bible in my hand. Everyone thought I was so spiritual for just using the bible but didnt realise that I regarded EVERY piece of WT literature as used toilet paper. I was so repulsed and disgusted by their deceipt that I wouldn't touch it.

  • undercover

    I quit field service cold turkey. I was still in a weird limbo state trying to reconcile the things I was discovering about the Society versus what I believed my entire life.

    I quit because I felt that until I could justify to myself what I was expected to share with people, I had no business trying to sell it to others. It seemed hypocritical to me to be trying to convert people when I myself was questioning what I believed.

  • bonnzo

    what ynot said x2...but minimal time, so they dont bug me to "reach out" so much. i refuse to conduct a bible study and any rv is more of a "friendly visit" as opposed to a return visit with intent to convert.

  • LouBelle

    No I didn't. Can't even remember when the last time I was on the fs.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I went out once, because I got pressured from an elder and another friend. I hadn't been out in a couple years. I gave in under the condition that I would just go along, not talk at the doors. Even that was too much for me to stomach at that point. I eventually stopped going to meetings altogether, about a month or two later.

  • truthseeker

    I was still going door to door as early as April - but I purposely did not ring the door bell. I had no return visits. I did my hour and called it a day.

  • Gregor

    Nope, when the little light bulb went on above my head I never volunteered another minute as a WT peddler.

  • wobble

    I started to have a real problem withthat darned "Bible Teach" book,it suddenly hit me that I couldn't go and tell people that the Bible taught that 1914 was significant,when it did not.

    Eventually after 6 months of not going out,having for the previous 50 years or so been a stalwart,(now I'm just a wart) an Elder nailed me down for a Shep. call. I explained to him that 1914 was just not in Daniel 4 or anywhere,but he never gave me a good answer or got back to me.

    He is one of the most "Society" men I know and if they told him to whack himself in the balls each day with a seven pound hammer he would do it !

    But after that realisation that I could not present that book,let alone study in it with someone, I never went out again,and now I don't go to meetings either thank the LoLove


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes - last month

  • jookbeard

    not me ,I was a crap\publisher anyway, and when we made the effort to go out on a Sunday, it was just to get a bit of lunch etc, I became inactive pretty quick , much to the shame and embarrassment to my first wife

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