by Seeker4 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Thank goodness!!! I don't want the damn things, anyway. My mother-in-law has been bombarding us with them ever since we stopped going. My wife told her father the next time he gets the renewal slips, not to renew it. He almost had a fit...lolol.


  • zev

    those of us who remember when the "donation" arraingement took place may well remember that originally, all subscriptions were going to be stopped because of the new arraingement. and right before the announcements were made, that changed, and we still offered, or could get subscriptions.

    i dont know what the latest word, officially, is about this, but, it seems unlikely that the boyz in krooklyn would stop subs, just to keep the rags away from "apostates"(wt defintion).

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  • patio34

    It just seems like an economic thing to do and several other plusses along the way, as Waiting summed up.

    I, too, have gotten my subscription renewed this year mysteriously. probably some misguided soul . . .

    On a related note, the circulation for the mags is something like 12 million, huh? Well, if each publisher (5 M), on average, lets only 2 mags stack up, that's 10 million being thrown away!

    So the circulation numbers become quite meaningless as to actual readership!

    That's something that's not touted at the meetings or in mags very often.

    Have a great Monday! I get to have my pupils dilated at the doctor's today :-D


  • joelbear

    Waiting nailed it.

    Seems along with their new PR guy, they've hired a new Productivity consultant too. Most effective cost cutting measure is to use free labor.


  • outnfree

    Just as a little side note (for I think waiting and jst2laws nailed the principle reasons, Farkel ):

    I live in the U.S. and my white wrapper came with a printed note in red on the outside proclaiming "Your subscription is expiring. Only 5 more issues..."
    Yet there was no subscription form inside to renew.

    I have sent an e-mail to a friend inside asking if she would be willing to renew my subs for me, but no response as yet -- either she deleted the mail immediately or she's consulting the elders.

    I suppose the next thing to do is to have one of my kids write the Society for a sub. One of the younger kids. A kid who doesn't have his/her own transportation to get to the KH to pick up subs from the magazine counter. A kid who also would like the latest CD-ROM. . A small donation of the kid's allowance $$ will be enclosed. A kid whose parents would "kill him/her" if they accepted a Bible study, but who still wishes to read the mags.

    Hmmmmmm. Yes. Theocratic war strategy still comes readily to mind. I learned deviousness at the feet of the masters, er, um, slave.


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • Scully

    Pathofhorns writes:

    Yes, I agree with Old Hippie (this once LOL). We've had the same arrangement in Canada for the last 4-5 years.

    It's been longer than 4-5 years. I believe it started in the early 90s. We were still going to meetings when they started, and we've been "out" for almost 8 years. This year will be our 7th Christmas!!

  • ARoarer

    I had heard the Society is telling the R&F that the reason they are ending the mail subs is because of ANTHRAX (hahahahahahahahahaha} Has anyone else heard this?

  • chasson

    In france, this method is in place since 1993 ( to 1995 i don't remember).

    The official goal is to save money.
    The second unofficial is to help brother to make their hours in preaching's work, you can count your time when you work as post's officer ;-)



  • teejay

    I had heard the Society is telling the R&F that the reason they are ending the mail subs is because of ANTHRAX

    Wow. That HAS to be it! How loving of the Society!! *getting choked up*

    You have to admit: they are always acting in ways that show how much they care about the health and welfare of the 'sheep.'

    Go, Governing Body! What a loving provision from Jehovah.


  • ozziepost

    For some time now, lapsed Dubs here in Oz have been unable to obtain their subscription copies, whether thru' the mail or thru' the congregation home delivery 'service' known as the Club Subscription arrangement.

    The WTS may deny any cuirtailment officially but, in practice, that's definitely what's happening here.

    I suppose it bears out the principle of economics that if you restrict the supply of an item, it becomes more desirable.

    Just think, a highly desirable Christmas issue of the Tower. Now there's something to fight for!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

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