My first year in JWD. Thank you!!

by tooktheredpill 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Congratulations TTRP!

    I'm very glad to hear you and your wife have progressed so well.

    Like Doubting Bro, I'd love to hear what was instrumental in your wife's awakening. No kids, right?

    All the best,


  • outofthebox

    Congrats!!!! How do you feel now that a year has passed since you opened your eyes?

  • tooktheredpill

    Answers to your questions:

    Doubtingbro: That's great TTRP! It's important for folks like you to post their stories. You've been an inspiration to many I'm sure (including myself). Unfortunately, while mentally out, I'm still physically in due to my wife. Have you posted how you were able to help her wake up?

    Open Mind: I'd love to hear what was instrumental in your wife's awakening

    Hello Guys!

    Check out this post: That’s basically the story of how I helped my wife to start thinking by herself.

    What I have noticed is that every person has something “personal” or specific that makes them “wake up”. At least 9 of my personal friends know that the Organization is deceiving us. And each one had a different way of “awakening”.

    In my case, as in my wife’s case, was noticing that 607BC was not the date of the destruction of Jerusalem what made us think. I’ve heard that date for 33 years, and when I started looking, ALL the encyclopedias and books that I’ve read says 587/586. Why is this important?

    If 607BC is wrong, that makes 1914 a lie, and the appointment of the Governing Body in 1918 a fairy tale. Period. They were not “appointed over anybody’s belongings”. GB is a lie.

    Another friend woke up because of the blood/fractions issue. Another found that the sisters were treated as 2nd class citizens, and started researching the WT Library CD… and ordering CoC from Ray Franz!! J (You know who you are!!)

    It’s nice to know that there is many people posting their stories here. It really helps!

    Have a great day!


    PD: I like this article:

  • Farkel

    Glad to see another human become free!

    It's a good thing I haven't posted much in the year you have been here. I might have "stumbled" you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    : If 607BC is wrong, that makes 1914 a lie, and the appointment of the Governing Body in 1918 a fairy tale. Period.

    The GB was appointed over all of Jesus belongings in 1919, not 1918. In 1918 they were in "Babylonish captivity". I swear I am not making this up. The people who made this up were on some serious drugs. In 1918 the WT leaders were in prison for treasenous activities. Prison="Babylonish (babylonish?) captivity. Yet, they went to prison because they stood up for "Christian principals(tm)", yet Christian principals=prison=Babylonish captivity for having some wrong Christian principals. I don't get it.

    Worse, in 1918 while they were in the Babylonish captivity and in prison, Jehovah saw fit to conduct the "first resurrection" of the anointed. At least Jehovah could have waited to do that "first resurrection" of the anointed when the WT leaders were not in prison. It would have been a better publicity move for Jehovah.

    "Jehovah Decides to Resurrect the Christian Saints of Old in 1918 While Corrupt and Sedicious Watchtower Leaders Are Writing Wacky Books and Still Venerating the Cross and Saying the 'Last Days' Began in 1799!", says the New York Times.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You gotta love it!


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