Now the WT Society is Telling Witnesses- Don't Worry too Much About Health

by flipper 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    In the Nov.15th Watchtower that a lurking witness friend I have on the board sent me , it really guilts the witnesses into not worrying about their health but pushes them to do more, more, more. It has a disgusting picture of perfect martyrdom of a sister in a wheelchair witnessing to a lady at her door with the caption, " Despite health problems , Jehovah's people find joy in the ministry. "

    A few twisted points I wanted to share to show you how mind controlled the witnesses are in even controlling it's members view of showing concern for their health ! In the article , " Maintain a Scriptural View of Health Care" it states , " Of course , we are aware that perfect health is not yet attainable . Therefore, we know it is wise to avoid letting our health become an obsession or a constant concern. Our attitude should differ from those who have " no hope " , who think that this life is all there is and who will resort to any therapy in an attempt to cure their aliments ". ( So hey, does that mean when we break in field service we can get an extra large order of french fries , 2- quarter pounders w/cheese, and a large chocolate shake ?? Hey- there's always the resurrection, right ? )

    Another jewel of a quote , " Obsession with health care could also lead us to try to impose on others our personal opinions regarding the value of some diet, therapy , or food supplement. " Then they add fuel to the fire by quoting the scripture, " not to be stumbling others up to the day of Christ. " God forbid I would ever want to stumble somebody by encouraging them to eat healthy ( fish, salads , vegetables) or worse still telling them to take vitamins ! Or disclose a diet , whereby my brother or sister might actually exercise and eat less and I stumble them into " bodily training " ! Jesus fricking Jehovah- how much mind control can they cram into these people ?

    Then one last capper of a quote, " The Watchtower and Awake magazines occasionally include articles regarding our spiritual brothers and sisters who have serious illnesses. These accounts sometimes explain how these individuals cope with their problems or even temporarily take their minds off them by seeking to help others come to know Jehovah and his wonderful promises. " Translation : Just get out in service all you cancer , heart patients, and others with serious illnesses ! It will make you forget you have them ! Just keep giving out this pretend hope to others and you'll pretend you are not ill ! Easy enough ?!

    These people are sounding more like Christian Scientists or Scientologists every day I swear . It's demeaning and degrading this cult tries to interfere with what should be a personal decision in regards to one's health care ! Next thing you know they'll not only forbid blood transfusions, but going to doctors as well, " the paradise is SOOOOOO close. " So what do you think of this current gobbledy goop of spiritual sickness that our JW relatives are being spoon fed ? I'm interested in your takes on this. Look forward to hearing from you. Peace to all, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Thought I'd bump this thread up for anybody to comment on. The idea of this article shows the witnesses do not value taking care of themselves in the here and now. They get these people so future oriented- that they forget they are even alive today ! Sometimes it seems that way ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • mcsemike

    Hi Flipper:

    Some very good points. Those cancer patients could do even more if they skipped the once a weekly radiation or chemo treatments and donated their extra time, the gas money they saved, and anything else left over to the WT. If they die earlier than they would have, or worse yet, if they die period when they would not have died if they had proper treatment, then they have the resurrection, right?? What could be better than living forever next to Ted Jaracz and his family??

    Oh, what joy!!!

  • mrsjones5

    I so want a scan of this

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    i agree with you. they'll say 'doctros serve satan. there's the resurection. just die of malnutrition and suffer yer headaches' :puke:

  • cameo-d
    Of course , we are aware that perfect health is not yet attainable . Therefore, we know it is wise to avoid letting our health become an obsession or a constant concern

    It sounds to me like they are preparing the crowd for the impending collapse of the health care programs.

    They are manipulating them to ignore the importance of health as a way of managing crowd control and panic by heading it off before tshtf.

    When the health care system falls, the JWs will say "oh yes, we've discussed that; we knew before all of you; we are prepared; we know it was all just a bandaid anyway...and now we are looking forward to the real thing...." JWs will be calm in the storm when there's chaos all around. This is a blatant manipulation being put into place so they don't freak out when it hits. When programs get pulled; when ins. cuts back...JWs must be prepared to defend "Jehovah's actions" no matter the personal cost to them. Many will loose benefits. These mental preparations will make them "martyrs for the new system" when they become ill because they can't get proper care.

  • StAnn

    Three thoughts on this.

    1. Remember the letter from the JW in an African Branch Office saying they were having to leave because of financial reasons, one of which was that the Christian charity group that provided their free health care was no longer able to afford to do so? And all of the topics, including current ones, on people being booted out of Bethel because the WTS doesn't want to pay for their healthcare as they age? Maybe this is the WTS way of preparing/brainwashing people who have devoted their lives to full-time service to not expect any health care, thus heading off future lawsuits through mind control.

    2. Maybe the WTS is concerned about all of the "friends" at the KH who are selling various Noni Juices, etc., to improve health. In these hard financial times, if people are buying Noni Juice, they may be putting less in the contribution box.

    3. Maybe the WTS sees the handwriting on the wall and knows they are going down. They'd like for as many current Dubs as possible to kick the bucket so they can get whatever money is left to the WTS in those wills. And they can hold out the caveat that if a cancer victim dies on someone's doorstep out in field service, they'll be memorialized forever on the cover of a WT magazine.


  • lrkr

    Regarding the "do not be encouraging people along your way of thinking" line- we all remember that some of the most zealous witnesses also have the most wacky ideas on health care. From carrot diets, to magnet treatments for cancer, to multi level marketing scams to sell you one form of snake oil or another.

    I don't think the guys in Brooklyn are worried about someone encouraging jogging and eating salads- because no one would dare offer that type of balanced advice (its worldly!!!)

  • BabaYaga

    You know, I keep saying I don't think WTBTS can surprise me anymore, but they continue to amaze...

  • flipper

    MCSEMIKE- Gawd- Funny stuff. I can't think of anything worse than living forever next to Ted Jaracz and his family ! But just going out in service would kill cancer patients quicker as you say - the society doesn't care how much they wear these people out ! Pretty twisted .

    MRS. JONES- Maybe someone has a scanof this article for you !

    MARY STEWART- The witnesses blame Satan, anything other than their teachings ! Then they tell them to wait for the resurrection ! yhey don't believe in living a healthy life in the here now !

    CAMEO D- Interesting point you make. Perhaps yes they did give this information out to control the crowd and head off panic in their members . JW's love being martyrs. Weirdos.

    ST. ANN- Good points you make Maybe they are trying to control peoples minds who have left Bethel and condition them to not expect health coverage. Mind control is powerful ! It could well be that the WT society itself sees itself going down and the GB are trying to distance themselves from the rank and file members >

    IRKR- I agree there were some weird health schemes people tried to sucker us into at the kindom hall ! Herbs, medical cures, etc.

    BABBA YAGGA- The WT society is always pulling rabbits out of hats and coming with this " new light " so to speak. They are getting weirder and weirder ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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