Is The WT Society Getting Financially Desperate ? Nov.15th WT Your Take ?

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BLONDIE- So the only reason most of these witnesses give materially is to get a tax benefit ? Tisk, tisk. And here I thought their main motive was to advance the kingdom interests !

    JUST HUMAN- I'm so glad they are runing out of money ! Hope no one bails them out !

    WT WIZARD- So they've been syphoning off money from their members for years, eh ? I guess I just didn't bother noticing all the years I was in it. Maybe it's because I didn't donate too much ! As little as my ex-wife ( a fanatic witness ) would guilt me into giving !

    MARY- Thanks for the WT quotes of what Russell stated ! Wow ! In 130 years since the Watchtower has been printed they sure have strayed from their " original light " of " never begging or petitioning men for support " ! Absolutely incredible. They are such money grubbing bastards

  • mustang
    When He who says: 'All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,' fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication."

    I remember hearing this. That was always my philosophy: God has it all, anyway, I need what I can get more than he does.

    I was also taught by JW's to 'stand and watch your salvation'.

    The passive game is a sword that can cut both ways.


  • Jringe01

    I don't believe that these annual articles constitute begging. I don't like them but I don't think you can reasonably charge that they are doing what Russell said they wouldn't by printing them.

  • 1914BS

    Thank goodness that the LORD will destroy the slave bugger for their shameless extortion of money from the gullable dubs

  • 1914BS


    I noticed a fax number on the feel sorry for me article. LETS HAVE FUN WITH THAT !!!!!

  • mustang

    What's next? a Telethon


  • wildfell

    Hi Flipper

    A couple(?) of years ago, this regular demand for money included a paragraph which really disgusted me and my husband. It went something along the lines of 'don't wait until you die. You can give us your money now. If you become in financial need, you can request some of your money back and 'WE WILL CONSIDER IT"'.

    I see from Mary's scan that they have now refined this . . . brazen pharisees!

    I had resisted giving any money at all for several years before I left. I used to say that I wanted to live as 'simply' as the governing body do in bethel. World trips, never working a day, eating only the best food, in season fresh off the farm, having servants to do my cleaning, cooking, laundry and being supplied a car. Don't forget the best health care! Well, they live off 'dedicated funds' don't they? Surely they must be providing the flock with the example in living simply? I used to get a few DIRTY looks saying that, I can tell you! But dirty looks is all the 'brothers' could do. No-one could argue! I just had a bad attitude, I guess.

  • VM44
    I don't think you can reasonably charge that they are doing what Russell said they wouldn't by printing them.

    But Russell never published articles such as these when he was the editor.

    The Watchtower today simply wants to use the people for its own benefit!

  • flipper

    MUSTANG- Very true. I didn't donate a lot either as I felt God had it all anyway. I needed my money more than the WT society did. They probably will put a telethon on one day if they get desperate enough !

    JRINGE 01 - I think you can reasonably assert that by printing the many varied and different ways that the society can have access to your money that it does constitute " begging " or " petitioning " . They are trying to make the rank and file members feel guilty or indebted to them by even going there with the subject discussing life insurance policies, wills, estate contributions, etc. It's out of the ordinary to request this of people. Do you and I as individuals go up to our friends and ask, " Hey, if you feel like it , let me describe different ways you can financially contribute to my well being and future ? " I mean- come on.

    1914BS- I don't know if the " lord " will destroy the WT society. But I think they will start gradually losing members because people will see through the scam in time !

    WILDFELL- I agree with you. I feel it is very brazen of the WT society to request money before you die ! I resisted giving much money to them like you did also. I needed the money to raise my then 3 minor children and put food on the table ! Good points you make though ! They do live off of " donated funds " - so in a way the governing body is getting a total free ride financially ! Pretty sick.

    VM 44- Very true what you say. Russell would be turning in his grave if he knew that 130 years later that the organization he started was soliciting people's retitrements, trust funds, and wills. A very greedy society the Watchtower society is ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    And they get you to sign over the house but you can live there till you kind is that!

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