Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?

by reniaa 407 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • willyloman


    I'm late to this party and most of my expressions have been covered already. I do wish to add this thought:

    I left the JWs because I was a good soldier. I was all in, I put my life and my family on the line for the cause, I sacrificed career, family, friends and fortune for "the Truth." I rose in the organization and saw things that would certainly shock your sensibilities. The actions of dubs at every level, but particularly those considered "prominent," were exposed for me because I had privileges and was allowed to see behind the curtain. What lies there is hypocrisy and corruption that rivals anything in "the world" or in "Christendom," I assure you.

    When you reach that point in the organization, you are supposed to be immune to these things, unaffected, having passed all the loyalty tests along the way. That's why the Society insists that only "mature" brothers get these responsibilities. By mature, they mean committed. They mean captive. They mean having too much to lose.

    The antidote to doubt among JWs is to strengthen your faith utilizing the PASS formula: Prayer, Association, Service and Study. And I did. After I prayed, associated and served, I studied. The more I studied, the more I realized how out of synch the organization is compared to the early Christian principles spelled out in the bible. You won't see that when you are new, or when you have only progressed to your comfort station and have never been backstage in the Most Holy. But when you've seen it all, the contrast is startling.

    What I learned from my studies was that the Bible was all pretty simple. It was a collection of ancient books that commented on life in another era, but it also contained wisdom for the ages. Most importantly, though, it was the story of the coming of Christ and the change he would bring to the earth. And what was that change?

    The day will come when you will no longer worship at the temple, he told the woman, but in these mountains.

    Christ called out and condemned the leaders of the organized religion of his day. You cannot read the NT (Greek Scriptures) and not conclude that Christ's message was a radical one. He was calling for an end to rules, to law, to a hierarchy of men lording it over others. He was foretelling a new age when the Law would live in people's hearts. He was saying you don't need all this religious structure, you just need to take the Law into yourself and live by it. And let no one judge another.

    They killed him, of course. This was crazy talk, unthinkable. Why, we'd lose our place in the pecking order. We'd lose the right to control others, to spell out exactly how other people should live, not to mention the ability make hold power and position by appointing ourselves to enforce the rules.

    And that's the answer to your question. I came to believe the Bible, and so I no longer believe the JWs.

  • reniaa

    lil outlaw and mary if you look through my posts I have replied to the majority of questions you put but probably not to your liking,

    if you read my posts i never mention i think suicides happen more at christmas, I just said police dread it and hospital dread it but i recognise i was influenced after just googling it and reading about the high stats of heart attacks and how its a bad time to have illness because of staffing levels also I did lump in the overdrinking of new year in it in my mind so on that score i'm sorry I was not more specific.

    Outlaw Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This re·joice alt / r?'d???s / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation [ ri-jois ] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -joiced, -joic·ing. –verb (used without object) be glad; take delight (often fol. by in): to rejoice in another's happiness.
    –verb (used with object) make joyful; gladden: a song to rejoice the heart.

    [Origin: 1275–1325; ME rejoicen < OF rejouiss-, long s. of rejouir, equiv. to re- re- + jouir to rejoice; see joy alt]
    —Related forms re·joice·ful, adjective re·joic·er, noun
    —Synonyms 1 . revel, exult, glory.

    your a cute puppy but I don't agree with you :(

    lil I've answer as I've had the time, this is discussion so agreement is not necessary.

    But as usual I appreciate all replies and comments.


  • reniaa

    hey there willyloman, your reply is a thoughtful one, I'm sorry for your bad experiences :( I certainly agree with you that we are destined to live in an age where the law in our hearts is all we need.

  • Sasha

    Just the JW's!

  • Mary
    reniaa said: lil outlaw and mary if you look through my posts I have replied to the majority of questions you put but probably not to your likin

    You have addressed nothing. If you truly believe you have, the magnitude of your self-delusion is a good example of the mind-set that is common in cults and high control groups. I ask you again:

    The first day of the week, Sunday, has it's roots in paganism. Dies solis means the day of the sun, from which we get the term "Sunday". Sun worship was marked by the use of the halo, or nimbus, which originated with the pagan Greeks and Romans to represent their sun god, Helios.

    Since Jehovahs Witnesses meet for worshipping Jehovah every Sunday, are they not guilty of participating in a pagan ritual? The birth of Christ falls on December 25th, an ancient pagan holiday. The Society claims that by celebrating his birth on that day, it is very displeasing to Jehovah and is grounds for disfellowshipping.

    So why don't they apply the same logic to worshipping on Sundays? Why is it okay to wear a wedding ring that also has it's roots in paganism but not celebrate Christmas? Why is it okay to worship Jehovah on a pagan day, but you can't celebrate Christmas?

    Please answer the question Reniaa.

  • reniaa

    you call me deluded? lol read this Mary....

    The name comes from the Latin dies solis, meaning "sun's day": the name of a pagan Roman holiday. It is also called Dominica (Latin), the Day of God. The Romance languages, languages derived from the ancient Latin language (such as French, Spanish, and Italian), retain the root.

    French: dimanche; Italian: domenica; Spanish: domingo
    German: Sonntag; Dutch: zondag. [both: 'sun-day']

    The name comes from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg, "the moon's day". This second day was sacred to the goddess of the moon.

    French: lundi; Italian: lunedi. Spanish: lunes. [from Luna, "Moon"]
    German: Montag; Dutch: maandag. [both: 'moon-day']

    This day was named after the Norse god Tyr. The Romans named this day after their war-god Mars: dies Martis.

    French: mardi; Italian: martedi; Spanish: martes.
    The Germans call Dienstag (meaning "Assembly Day"), in The Netherlands it is known as dinsdag, in Danmark as tirsdag and in Sweden tisdag.

    The day named to honor Wodan (Odin).
    The Romans called it dies Mercurii, after their god Mercury.

    French: mercredi; Italian: mercoledi; Spanish: miércoles.
    German: Mittwoch; Dutch: woensdag.

    The day named after the Norse god Thor. In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag.
    The Romans named this day dies Jovis ("Jove's Day"), after Jove or Jupiter, their most important god.

    French: jeudi; Italian: giovedi; Spanish: jueves.
    German: Donnerstag; Dutch: donderdag.

    The day in honor of the Norse goddess Frigg.
    In Old High German this day was called frigedag.
    To the Romans this day was sacred to the goddess Venus, and was known as dies veneris.

    French: vendredi; Italian: venerdi; Spanish: viernes.
    German: Freitag ; Dutch: vrijdag.

    This day was called dies Saturni, "Saturn's Day", by the ancient Romans in honor of Saturn. In Anglo-Saxon: sater daeg.

    all our current weekdays are pagan origin so do you suggest JW's invented a new language to rename the weekdays? this is why it's a 'Gnat'

  • willyloman
    hey there willyloman, your reply is a thoughtful one, I'm sorry for your bad experiences :( I certainly agree with you that we are destined to live in an age where the law in our hearts is all we need.

    Thanks for the sympathy, but it's not necessary. I really don't think of the whole experience I had as a dub for 30 years as "bad." It was rewarding in many ways for a long time, or I wouldn't have kept doing it. But when I finally took inventory, the only thing I could do, in good conscience, was to move on. I'm happy I did. I have to disagree with your feeling that "we are destined to live in an age where the law in our hearts is all we need." The word "destined" implies that day is future. The day is now, and the moment you realize it the truth sets you free.

  • Mary
    all our current weekdays are pagan origin so do you suggest JW's invented a new language to rename the weekdays?

    There you go. All days of the week are pagan origin, but no one today views it as such. That's why it's not a big deal. The WTS also claims the same mentality for wedding rings: It's not a big deal. Yet they zero in on Christmas and claim it IS a big deal, when in reality, it's no bigger a deal than either the days of the week or the wedding ring.

    There is absolutely no reason why one should be allowed and not the other. You cannot come up with anything other than the Organization's ridiculous logic that does not answer these questions. You were not able to refute the fact that just because a modern day practice has its origin in paganism, is justification for banning it. Instead, you pick and chose (based naturally, on what is approved thinking from the Organization) which pagan roots are a-okay and which ones aren't. Of course, you have no basis for your picking and chosing but basing decisions in fact and common sense is not the Watchtower's strong suit. You've just mirrored their tactics.

    Typical Witness mentality.

  • 144001


    I was born and raised in the Watchtower cult and didn't have a choice of what to believe until I reached my teenage years and stopped attending. I was never baptized and never had any desire to get baptized. I hated the misery that the Watchtower corporations impose upon children who are born into this tragic waste of life.

    I've been out for over 20 years. I've had plenty of time to look at other religions as well as the bible itself. I reject all of the above. I don't believe that there is anyone, past or present, on this planet that really knows the origin of man's existence on this planet. It might possibly be beyond human comprehension. In any event, the bible has as much authoritative value to me as a comic book.

    Does that mean I lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery and other wrongs despised yet practiced by those who purport to follow the bible? No. What it means is that nothing I've come across convinces me that the god of the bible exists or existed, and furthermore there is nothing that convinces me that the events set forth in the bible actually occurred. I see the bible as a book written by some ancient wise men who knew that they could control others with a bunch of nonsense. That's all it is and ever was; a book of myths used to control others by exploiting man's inherent desire to understand his origin.


    Reniaa.You have not addressed anything!!..You ramble on about anything except the subject at hand..What does Suicides have to do,with Angels Celebrating the Birth of Jesus..Nothing!!..What do Jewish holidays have to do with the Angels Celebrating the Birth of Jesus..Again,Nothing......I ask you to look up "Rejoice" in a Thesaurus..You show me the definition of rejoice from a dictionary..More BullSh*t!!......Is this the best you can do?..It`s Pathetic!..........I will ask you again..Please answer the questions in my first post to you..............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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