Why do they Continue to Request for more Bethel Workers?

by gumby 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    At the last District assembly, each time they gave the announcments they said, "if anyone would like to sign up for Bethel Service, go to the attenance desk".

    They have just released over 1100 workers and they are asking for more volunteers? Anyone else had that question? Are there any here who were dismissed from Bethel just recently and know the answer? I asked a brother who was released and he said..."They still have to ask". I asked why and he didn't know.

    If it's skilled labor they need......why not simply ask for the trades they lack in, rather than ask a general question that's an invite for all?


  • blondie

    Maybe they are looking for some with special skills and/or younger than the ones they have so they can given the old-timers more of the boot.

  • leavingwt

    Bethel primarily needs unskilled labor, best done by submissive young men. On average, each Bethelite stays two years. As such, there is a constant need for new workers. The training procedures used in the Factory ar modeled after the U.S. Navy techniques during WWII. They can take something off the street, and within two weeks they are working at a Factory machine.

    When unskilled labor leaves after only a few years, this equals less expense on healthcare. Bethel wants people in good health.

    The people getting put out to pasture, are not young people in good health, in most cases.

  • sir82

    What Blondie said.

    Who's going to cost you less money - a 55 year old obese laundry worker with high blood pressure and diabetes, or a 20 year old "prime of life" laundry worker? Which one is least likely to have a stroke or develop cancer or need gall bladder surgery, stuff that can't be treated in Bethel and would have to be done (and paid for) in a "worldly" hospital?

    The standard for Bethel service is changing from "make it your life's career" to "make it your career for 15 or 20 years, then your own own (sucker!)"

  • undercover
    The people getting put out to pasture, are not young people in good health, in most cases.

    That would be my guess as well...anyone over 35 is going to start to have some health issues. Even minor health problems costs labor time and ups the cost of health care. Cut the older ones and recruit young, healthy, strong people to come in. If 15-20 years time, they'll purge again.

    And on top of that, the longer one is in Bethel, the more things one sees. Things that a raw rookie would be afraid to question, a seasoned veteren will ponder on. That and the fact that after 15, 20 and 25 years of service and there's no sign of Armageddon, one starts to wonder. Then groups start to wonder, then before you know it, you have a "great apostasy" set in.

    Purge the old farts before they revolt...

  • Mary
    They have just released over 1100 workers and they are asking for more volunteers? Anyone else had that question? Are there any here who were dismissed from Bethel just recently and know the answer? I asked a brother who was released and he said..."They still have to ask". I asked why and he didn't know.

    I knew a sister who muscled her way into Bethel a few years ago. She had the priviledge of being a toilet washer. Anyway, she kissed alot of ass and stayed longer than what was intended but she was specifically told that they needed skilled workers and that she should go to Nursing School, come back when she was done and they'd get her back in. She was specifically told that they needed skilled labourers, which seem to be scarce in the WT world probably because of their view on higher edu-ma-cation.

    Anyway, even though her parents said they would pay for her to go, she was too lazy and refused to so she had to leave Bethel.

    The bottom line is: this is a typical double standard: on one hand, they're strongly discouraging the average Witness to go to college or university, yet that's all they're looking for at headquarters. Here in Ontario, you have to have your B.Sc. in the health field (which is generally a 3-year program), plus Nursing School.

    So in other words, it sounds like they kicked all the 'unskilled' labourer to the curb and are trying to replace them with people who have indeed, gone to university or at least college.

    I find it ironic that Crooklyn is looking for people who have disobeyed their "suggestions" and are letting go those who have followed their advice.

    So Gumbers, you green bastard..........you signed up for Bethel yet?


    Bethel has Standards and Quota`s to keep up.....The WBT$ has`nt thrown enough Bethel Workers,out of Bethel.....They need more!!.....Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • AudeSapere
    I find it ironic that Crooklyn is looking for people who have disobeyed their "suggestions" and are letting go those who have followed their advice.

    Or they are trying to lure the new recruits. Both of them.


  • stillajwexelder

    they want young 19 year olds who are very energetic and will work hard and not cost much. They can then get rid off (sorry - re-assign) the older more experienced ones to the congregations to keep an iron grip on them

  • shamus100

    Like a dog back to it's vomit, eh Gumby???


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