Washington Mutual just failed. Meh.

by LDH 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    Greed and stupidity aren'y illegal.


    You are absolutely right. The actions that result from those attributes however absolutely could be. The USA has lost it's super power status around the world and no matter how much anyone wants to point a finger at the left or the right - Bush represents the idiocy, greed and corruption that has become the USA financial system. There is no glory, no faith and no integrity for any US politician, banker, investor or basically anybody who represents Wall Street. None.

    Bush is playing the oldest Republican game - and he played it right before the election. He was fully aware that a collapse was coming and he let it get to this point. He should be in court and so should everyone involved.

    This bailout isn't going to stop a recession - let it all fall.


  • BurnTheShips
    Bush is playing the oldest Republican game

    The oldest Republican game was played by the oldest Republican president, Abe Lincoln; and that game was freeing the enslaved.

    He was fully aware that a collapse was coming and he let it get to this point.

    Man you are stark raving mad. You think Bush wants a financial collapse on his Presidential record for the rest of American history? He tried to fix the mess but it didn't pass Congress. The record is there to show it.

    Damn why do I bother.


  • sammielee24

    Man you are stark raving mad. You think Bush wants a financial collapse on his Presidential record for the rest of American history? He tried to fix the mess but it didn't pass Congress. The record is there to show it.

    Damn why do I bother.


    My sentiments exactly. Why do you bother to try and argue a point when you know you are wrong. Hard to admit I know but go ahead - it'll make you feel better.

    I think Bush could care less about what people think about him. He has abused his power for years - let's see torture, lies, corruption, debt, war - tell me where he cares in all that mess? He wanted to fix nothing. That' s obvious to about 325 million people here - lets add on millions who don't even live in the country. You think he gives a crap about anybody in the country? Sure. That's why the bridges are falling apart, and the roads are falling apart, why there's a recession, why the USA is failing in mortality rates, health care and education around the western world - yeah he cares. He cares so much, he's ripped off his own people by funnelling money into American contracts over in Iraq and indebted the country to the tune of 9 trillion - fast moving up to 15 trillion dollars. He has kept a war going and spent billions building new schools and hospitals in Iraq but wouldn't spend a fifth of that for health care for kids in America.

    Sure - convince me that he cares what anyone thinks about him. He doesn't. He's all about what he can do for his own pocket book and his friends.


  • undercover
    The oldest Republican game was played by the oldest Republican president, Abe Lincoln; and that game was freeing the enslaved.

    C'mon Burns...you know better'n that or at least I would've figured you would.

    Lincoln's main game was to not have the Union divided on his watch. Slavery was one of the issues that led to the South seceding but it wasn't the only reason. Lincoln later used the slavery issue as a moral issue to rally the North around the bloody war, hence his bit of propaganda called the "Emancipation Proclamation".

  • BurnTheShips
    Lincoln's main game was to not have the Union divided on his watch. Slavery was one of the issues that led to the South seceding but it wasn't the only reason. Lincoln later used the slavery issue as a moral issue to rally the North around the bloody war, hence his bit of propaganda called the "Emancipation Proclamation".

    Sheesh, this sounds no different than anti-Bush propaganda.


  • undercover
    this sounds no different than anti-Bush propaganda.

    I haven't seen any anti-Bush propaganda...but I have seen plenty of facts that condemn his as one of the worst presidents in history.

    But, you digress...

    It is interesting that Bush and Lincoln can be compared.

    Lincoln was not well-liked by a large contingency of Norhterners, not to speak of the South. Bush not being liked is an understatment.

    Lincoln was blamed for a war that was killing thousands and wasn't won in a few weeks as was expected by most Northeners. Bush rushed to war against a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11 and despite the "mission accomplished" banner, the war still drags on.

    It is seen by some that the war was the fault of the North since States seceding was seen as Constitutionally protected by some (including Lincoln while he was a senator). Based on the facts of how Bush lied to send us to war, his war is wrong as well.

    Lincoln eventually used slavery as a moral reason why the war has to be won (though his war time proclamation only freed slaves where he had no authority...the South. Northern slaves remained slaves). Bush has changed the mission of his war from freedom from a dictator to fighting terrorism to whatever the cause is this week.

    While many saw the moral issue of slavery as important, many others saw it as a terrible price to pay, thousands and thousands dying in battle to free people who, while enslaved, were not in danger of dying. While Saddam was a bad man, was it really worth the price we've paid in Bush's war?

    Here's where the comparison ends.

    In Lincoln's defense, he wanted the Union to be preserved above all else and he was ready to accept the defeated South back into the Union without severe punishment. Lincoln and his generals eventually wore down the South and achieved victory. The worst thing that ever happened to the South ironically enough was Lincoln being assisinated. After his death the rest of the political powers in DC wanted to make sure the South paid for its treason resulting in Reconstruction.

    Lincoln's assisination, the victory and the war and his war time proclamation gained him the title of one of the greatest presidents. If, however, just a couple of things had swung the other way, the South could have easily won the war setting Lincoln up as the president who allowed the Union to divide and he would have gone down as one of the worst presidents.

    Bush's war has led to more unstablness in the entire region. The Taliban are growing again and Al Qaida is still around. His war is lost. And the economy has tanked on his watch. He has freed no one from their troubles or slavery, in fact he has made things worse for not only Middle Easterners, but for his own people

    While a few things went Lincolns way (except for assisinatoin) towards the end of the war, there is nothing Bush can do to establish himself as more than a bumbling fool.

    Bush has spoken of admiring Lincoln and how he handled adversity. I've seen at times where it looks like Bush may have read too much ancient history. But no matter how much he admired a president who managed to overcome his adversity before death, Bush will not be able to repeat that part of history.

  • sammielee24

    The peoples voice -

    alt On Thursday morning, September 18, 2008 a tragedy almost befell the 450 billionaires and 3,000,000 millionaires that live in the United States. The billionaires were on their way to becoming millionaires and the millionaires were about to leave the club. Luckily, Hank Paulson, U.S. Treasury Secretary, felt their pain. His $700 million portfolio was probably taking a bit of a haircut too. There are 305 million people living in the United States. The net worth of all the households in the U.S. as of June 30, 2008 was $56 trillion. The 450 billionaires have a net worth of approximately $1 trillion and the 3,000,000 millionaires have a net worth of approximately $11 trillion. So, 1% of the population currently owns 21% of the net worth in this country. Many of these billionaires and millionaires have accumulated their wealth by managing other people’s money. The customers never have the yachts. The money managers have the yachts. The 1% ruling elite are deciding the fate of your grandchildren in Washington D.C. this week out of public view. The ruling elite have the most to lose. Whose best interest do you think they are looking out for?
  • jaguarbass

    My sentiments exactly. Why do you bother to try and argue a point when you know you are wrong. Hard to admit I know but go ahead - it'll make you feel better.

    Good Post Sammi

    I think Bush could care less about what people think about him. He has abused his power for years - let's see torture, lies, corruption, debt, war - tell me where he cares in all that mess? He wanted to fix nothing. That' s obvious to about 325 million people here - lets add on millions who don't even live in the country. You think he gives a crap about anybody in the country? Sure. That's why the bridges are falling apart, and the roads are falling apart, why there's a recession, why the USA is failing in mortality rates, health care and education around the western world - yeah he cares. He cares so much, he's ripped off his own people by funnelling money into American contracts over in Iraq and indebted the country to the tune of 9 trillion - fast moving up to 15 trillion dollars. He has kept a war going and spent billions building new schools and hospitals in Iraq but wouldn't spend a fifth of that for health care for kids in America.

    Sure - convince me that he cares what anyone thinks about him. He doesn't. He's all about what he can do for his own pocket book and his friends.


  • IP_SEC
    I better not see people who can't make payments on time getting to keep their homes.

    Did you know your friend could make every payment on time, hell, ahead of schedule and her loan could still be called in? If her house loses more value than the principle on her loan? Banks are not your friend. Banks are the enemy.

    This is not defaulter's fault. This aint even Bushs fault this time. This is our fault for allowing a money system that is prone to these problems stay in place.

  • DanTheMan

    I'll be damned if we bail out the poor planners on the backs of the financially conservative.

    Well, I'm not sure where exactly the blame goes for the housing-price bubble and bust that has led to this mess, but if I was gambling man I'd bet that plenty of financially conservative people were complicit in the ridiculous overselling of home ownership as a ticket to financial security and all the shady stupid dealing that went along with it.

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