UFO's, can so many sightings be all wrong, or lies?

by free2beme 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I was out hiking in the woods of Northern California in the late 80's with a good friend. At that time, I thought it was cool to just sleep under the stars and enjoy the outdoor experience to the full. One night, while camping at a lake that was far up in the mountains and had no one else there, but the two of us (Was not a Broke back Mountain moment, sorry to those who might have wondered ). It was about 2AM and I am sleeping and my friend wakes me up and I can tell it is real light outside. My first thought is that the fire is still going to much and then notice the light is bluish. My friend and I were Witnesses, and being such the thought of UFO did not settle well. I stood up and looked across the lake and in the tree line it appeared as if a very bright light was shinning and making the night appear to be day. Now some might say, "That was some one's lamp going." Which would make sense and I would have agreed with you, but this was so bright that I could have set on this side of the lake and read a book. Show me a lantern you can hike in a the mountains, that can produce that much light. Anyway, the light did something else. It moved along the shore line and had that dancing motion of the tree shadows following it, as they shifted on the lake and shore line. My friend and I did not say much, other then "What is that?" ... which was followed with no answer. It lasted about 15-20 minutes and moved very very slow. Then it moved up the trees and went out. Okay, someone is reading this and thinking helicopter with spot light. So my answer to you, there was no noise. No crickets, no frogs, nothing! If you camped in the woods, you know these sounds fill the night air. Also, I have been in a helicopter and near them. They are loud and produce a lot of wind, that would disrupt the trees. This light, did none of that. So I ask you, am I full of crap and just wanting to be noticed and put on television?

    I ask that, as that is the impression I get when I see others go on television or tell their stories to people. Everyone always thinks they are making it up and it must all be some skeptics playground of trying to show how it is not possible. The thing is, if you had one of these experiences. It does not disappear out of your memory or rationalize itself as easy as others want you too. I remember that night, as clear as it happened last week or last night. While I have lost contact with the Witness brother I camped with. I know that up until my exit from that religion in 1997, we talked about it and long sense agreed we would not call it a UFO to other Witnesses, as we all know UFO=DEMON to a Witness? So do you feel that way too? Do you think all these sightings are fake or made up. Even when several people saw them at once, who never met one another?

    Personally, I would love to experience it again ... I feel the moment was a privilege.

  • BlackPearl

    I've personally never seen anything, but there are so many people who claim to have seen something out of the normal. I have seen some of these UFO shows on T.V. and am beginning to really wonder what it is all about. I'm beginning to become less and less doubtful about it, but I still don't believe in Bigfoot. LOL!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm sure you think you saw something. I'm also sure that the human mind fills in facts to fit stories from memory. I also think that taking a bright light in an unfamiliar wood that lasted for a half hour and reaching the conclusion that it came from a spaceship "manned" by beings that live elsewhere in the universe and have navigated to our planet to be somewhat less than plausible or reasonible.

  • free2beme

    It is interesting that you bring up Bigfoot. As a lot of people want to group people who believe in UFO's with those who believe in everything. My experience has been, that people who believe in UFO's are sometimes embarassed to admit it, for they think they will look like one of those crazy Bigfoot believers or someone who think the Loch Ness monster is real. It is simply not that way, most people who believe in UFO's are often fighting the idea and wish they didn't. As they know how it looks. At the same time, I can tell some great fictionaly Big Foot stories sitting around a camp fire.

  • middleman

    I've seen two in my life but don't really call them UFO's. They're either angels or fallen angels, most likely the latter though. I can explain my experiences later if you wish. To note, I also lived in a town that got nationwide attention for having an elaborate crop circle in it. It was in the previews to the movie "Signs".

    Most people want to explain away anything that they haven't seen and what science can't grasp.


  • free2beme

    John Doe

    Space is too large to travel from point A to B in the line you see in Science Fiction. I think that any travel in the universe would be through dimensional shifts or worm holes, basically bends in space. If you look online at the idea, such forms of travel are thought to be the only way we would ever travel through space ... as space is simple to large to think otherwise. Yet to think, in millions of years of evolution as a universe. That we are some how the advance race of this galaxy, when even this planet alone as produced two dominate species to control it (Reptile and Mammal) tells me that there is a very good chance others exist. Not to mention, others who may have existed millions of years before us and may be advanced beyond what we as a species could even considered advanced. As the same time, I never said it was a ship. It was a light or objected without identification or basically a UFO.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    If you mean "ufo" in the traditional, "unidentified flying object" sense of the word, then yes I do think they exist. I agree that the probabilities suggest that we're not alone in the universe. What I don't buy, however, is that we're visited by space travelers, and I'm not smart enough to understand black holes, and I don't think anyone else is either. Have you read the book "Contact?" It's very good.

  • BlackPearl

    Funny that this subject has come up. I didn't mention it in my previous post, but I too have seem something that didn't make sense. Years ago, my wife (Lady Liberty) and I were coming home from a District Assembly during the summer. On the way home, we saw a bright blue light hovering over a cemetery, no sound, no wind, just a bright blue light. Probably, a hundred yards up in the sky. My perception and first thought was that, "Wow that light, whatever it is attached to, is really low in the sky." We were familiar with the area and knew that there were no light poles or anything around this cemetery. So I stopped the car, turned around, went back by the cemetery for a second look and it was gone. All I can say is....strange...very strange.

  • free2beme

    John Doe

    I saw the movie and read the book. Carl Sagan does have a great quote, "If we are truly alone in the universe, what a waste of space." Anyway, I think it would be dimensional travelers, myself. I think Hollywood has told us what Spacemen are and we think that is what travelers would look like. What if, the idea of travel in their interaction with us was just some simple thought we all would overlook or feel board with. We want the glamor of Hollywood style space battles and of course all those alien visitations. Maybe they are watching us, in the same way we watch a third world nation fall apart and trying to learn from it and not make the same mistakes. Maybe we are a zoo? Better yet, maybe all these sightings are caused from our own misused science in the future overlaying on the past. I guess the mind could wonder about it all day and it is fun. In reality though, I saw what I saw and have never come to a clear answer on it and would love to experience something like that again.

  • Undecided

    My best friend from youth and a friend were walking out in the country where he lives and they both saw a large object with lights around the out side going over them in the sky. It looked about the size of a football field and went very slowly, quitely and just went out of site over the trees. They have no explaination of what it was. My wife has seen something come from in the sky and land in a field while they were driving, they turned around and went back to see what it was and it was gone. I wish I could see one.

    Ken P.

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