How to wash your dishes properly

by spacegirl 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    Q. Why do brides wear white on their wedding day?
    A. Don't all kitchen appliances come in white these days???

  • freeman

    Why is this so surprising that Dubs need to be told how to wash dishes? Are they not also told:

    1. What type of sex a husband and wife can have?
    2. What level of education is correct for a mature Christian?
    3. How to spend their free time.
    4. What fields of employment are proper and which are not?
    5. Who is deserving of their prayers and who is not?
    6. Who they can and whom they can’t speak to, eat with, or even say a greeting to.
    7. What type of medical treatment they may undergo.
    8. What they may read, and what they may not read, and what movies one may watch or not watch.
    9. What they may think about and what they may not think about.

    10. (Place you favorite rule, regulation, or restriction here)

    So tell me Sir Fred / YouKnow /Friday / OldHippie et al., tell us why this is not a controlling cult!


  • RunningMan

    For truly clean dishes, you must wash them in the "blood of the lamb".

    Introducing new "Lamb's Blood Detergent". Guaranteed to put the fear
    of God into grease. It works for the 144,000 - It can work for you!

  • Celia

    Yes, I always was amazed at that kind of articles in the Awake! magazine.
    I remember one telling the faithfuls about washing their hands after using the toilet, and before eating....
    Gawd !
    I agree with Old Hippie, many people in less developed countries may need to be told, but why do they distribute that same material in the US, in France, in Germany, in England ?

  • KenUK


    Yes - one must rinse dishes after washing to remove the soap suds - preferably hot water - avoids the teatowel getting too wet.

    Eccl Ch 8 vs 97

  • mommy

    What? Your are supposed to rinse after you wash? Man I am glad you brought that well informed article to our attention! Brings back the memories of the "reminders" we were alwasy given before assemblies on how to tip, how to act in a hotel, etc. Funny, even after those reminders we always heard horror stories about inappropriate behavior.

    I have been forced back to going to the laundry mat, since returning to NY. And I am privy to the W&A again, nothing but fluff! Even the article Eman posted the pic from earlier today about the Panama hats...why is a religious organization with no time to lose so close to the end, printing this stuff? Even the "watching the world" I used to love reading those snippets of info, now I see how shallow it is. It was just recently I realized why I loved reading them, we were discouraged from reading anything of substance outside of the org publications. So any little bit they threw our way, was refreshing and interesting. Now I can see it for what it is, filling up the mags so they can collect the sad

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • siegswife

    (((But perhaps it is a bit too easy for you oh! so full of insight - being fat Americans to make fun of people from Africa, South America and South East Asia, to whom these points are not so self-explanatory as they are to you, oh mighty ones?)))

    One has to wonder how they got by BEFORE this article? Where they all dying from eating off of dirty dishes? If not, why does the WTS CARE if they eat off of dirty dishes? If so, why didn't someone recognize it before so many lives were lost? Surely some UN agency or missionaries would have said, "Hey people, you're all getting sick and dying because your dishes are dirty."

    Maybe they just don't like the idea of the food at the proper time being eaten off dirty dishes (or by unclean savages) ROFL

  • jayhawk1

    Washing in the blood of the lamb was hillarious.

    Take note JWs
    Matthew 23:25 like the Pharisees you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

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