Internet: Our Tower of Babel?

by cameo-d 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    Our cell towers reach higher than the trees, up into "the heavens". Our satellites "in the heavens" bounce transmissions.

    We have world wide communication in real time with the push of a button.

    Have we not created another Tower of Babel?

    What was so bad about the Tower of Babel that it "had to be destroyed"?

  • changeling

    Supposedly it was built to "shoot the bird" at god. That pissed him off and he destroyed it.


  • MissingLink

    Then this IS just like the old tower. Except this one isn't imaginary.

  • reniaa

    lol maybe in another way too because the Internet maybe become the major factor in causing English to be the first totally global language....50 years from now we will have children growing up all bi-lingual with english as their business language....100 years from now using your own language will be for recreational use as a novelty,..200 years from now all languages accept english will be stuff for scholars to research as part of history..

  • cameo-d

    Supposedly it was built to "shoot the bird" at god. That pissed him off and he destroyed it.

    I think it could be happening the same way today.

    According to Alex Jones... England, Australia, Germany, and USA are blocking many controversial news sites. All content is now being filtered through your provider. Many libraries in USA have been using censorship for quite some time.

    According to Jones, the plan for Internet 2 entails Free Broadband Wireless...from the GOVERNMENT. The catch? You sign an agreement waiving your rights to be tracked and traced among other things.

    The web, as we know it today, is being destroyed. It is going to be revamped into info we will be "allowed" to have.

    Statistics show that newspapers are folding and going broke, and television is suffering effects of being pre-empted by the internet.

    Jones says information is already beginning to disappear. The sites you view today may be changed and "sanitized", non-existent, or "page not found" (filtered out)tomorrow.

    Jones says some websites which speak of the illuminati and criticisms of religions are being regarded as "promoting hate" and they are being banned and censored.

  • WTWizard

    One thing is sure: The Internet makes it easier for people to shoot holes in the theory that God is anything more than an Almighty Lowlife Scumbag that capriciously shoots people down for no reason and destroys their happiness in attempts to extort more out of them. And, once someone observes that, they can then post it online in blogs and forums, where others can read it. And others with similar experiences can add comments to it.

    No wonder that Almighty Baghead Jehovah wants to destroy the Internet, or censor it so only pro-God material can be posted.

    --God makes me want to puke.

  • cameo-d

    WT Wizard,

    I am very concerned about you. Your posts have become more bitter and angry in the past few weeks than they have been before. You may not realize it, but these churning emotions in you are going to end up making you very sick. I mean physically ill. Maybe emotionally ill, too. I think you need help outside of this board. I hope you will seek counseling because you really need someone to talk to that can help you put things into perspective and come to a resolution. You will never be able to find any joy or happiness if you keep holding on to these emotions.

    My two cents worth is that you are blaming god, when clearly these are man's doings. God didn't do anything. (That's the problem) All these things were done to you by man. You were a trusting soul at one time and they corrupted that.

    Life is a learning process. You need to get beyond this pain and find a way to overcome it. Sometimes we cannot do it alone. Sometimes it takes a professional counselor because friends don't always have an answer. Please think about it.

  • changeling

    Wizzard, your anger is missplaced. Man created the concept of god. But don't be angry at man either, anger will eat you up. Cameo is right, get help with your anger issues before they consume you.

    changeling :)

  • heathen

    I'd say that at the time God wanted people to spread out not to form one city and waste all their time building a tower so some idiot can pretend he's God . Cameo- Alex Jones does use allot of hate speech in his broadcast and on his sites ,it's only a matter of time before the "establishment", puts a stop to it .I mean he does go on about crooked cops being trained to bully people and evil political powers trying to murder us all the time .Of course on the web there's not accountability for anything said .

  • RubaDub
    What was so bad about the Tower of Babel that it "had to be destroyed"?

    I read that it susposedly had numerous safety violations and was not built to proper building codes that existed at that time.

    Rub a Dub

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