Can you threaten jws with getting police if they don't keep away?

by dobbie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    What keeps them scarce around my hood is the fact that they are well aware of my apostate field activities, in my neighborhood and around both local k.h.'s.

    I've even traveled back to my childhood kh hood.

    To do what you may ask. That can answered by reading my posting history.

    The project worked well in INFORMING those communities of what JWS were truly about BEHIND THE SCENES. Just as the RCC was exposed for their so-called Truth, and then recently, the FLDS.

    Regarding the project:

    I constructed FLIERS TO DISTRIBUTE, using key items from, in my opinion, brilliant sites such as Simons,, and, On these three sites alone, you will have most all you need to INFORM YOUR OWN COMMUNITIES.

    On one of the most effective fliers I made, was bits and pieces of the bethelite JESUS CANO who was busted with his BETHEL I.D. CARD ON HIS PERSON. I simply copy/cut and pasted those items, WITH THE NEWSPAPER PHOTOS AND WEBPAGE URL's.

    I literally went door to door in all of the neighborhoods I've stated before and made sure they were well informed and READY TO QUESTION THE NEXT JW THAT APPEARED AT THEIR DOORS.

    I then called each kh to make sure they were aware of my activities and thusly, the neighborhoods were now aware of theirs.

    So, good luck dobbie!!

    If you need any help, just ask.

    Happy trails!!


  • sf


    April is Child Abuse AWARENESS Month.

    One of my fliers was focused entirely on the child abuse/ sexual abuse issues and COVER UPS.

    Again, just take key items and paste them and PRINT THEM.

    I also, when not going door to door, distributed them ALL OVER EACH TOWN. {now and then} Most visable were the ones I taped up all up and down the Blvd. where my childhood kh is/ was.

    When they actually do venture up to my porch, I have these fliers at the ready. (Everyone should, if it were up to me) I then make them well aware that my hood is not stupid and has questions. {See the thread about "they drove off with the flier still attached"}

    Once you have your community well informed and well armed with info and factual sites, you WILL see a decline in their field activity.

    Again, good luck.

    What you put on your flier though should be about informing the community on the issues where the policies are flawed with deadly results; no-blood, two-witness{child/sex abuse...coverups}. It must be an attention-grabber. And child issues usually are if the public becomes aware.

    That's where your computer, email and printer come in. Isn't that fabulous?!


  • dogisgod

    What about a "no contact order"? One will be sent to the Cong.

  • rebel8

    Dress up in a black robe, put on Gregorian chants, turn off the lights, light some black and red candles, draw a pentagram on your forehead, get some fake blood from the store and drip it at the corner of your mouth...then invite them over. When conversing, break out into babbling and convulsions suddenly.

    Or if you do not want the neighbors to think you're nuts...hang a windchime and holiday decorations, put out some glasses and do a toast, play Stairway to Heaven, eat a Milky Way candy bar, wear a flag pin on a "proud blood donor" t-shirt, put your Smurf collection on display, say "bless you" if they sneeze.....

  • Rooster

    I helped out a poorer family while I was still is the cult/sect. One of their sons started coming by my house to continue taking from me.

    He married a "sister" from the kingdumb hall who had two children from a previous marriage.

    He was unhappy about the fact that his new wife had been fixed & could not have any children for him. So he started cheating on her & would drop by my house unannounced with one of his lovers.

    He would drink up all of my booze and ask for money.

    One night he came by late, my wife & I had already gone to bed. I went to the door & he was standing there drunk & asking for more booze he also asked where I kept my gun.

    This story goes on & on but anyway I called his mother & said if her son came to my house ever again I would shoot him & call the cops.

    He has not been back since.

  • TopHat

    Jws call your property their territory so to them they feel they are the owners with you and can walk onto your land and come knock on your door anytime.

  • yknot

    As far as the JWs in general any no soliciting, or religious callers sign should be enough. But with this guy being a relative.... it would take your hubby backing you up on his banning..... which doesn't sound very likely in your case.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    In Cali the no trespassing signs do carry weight. But u have to have them posted at every entrance.

    My family has income property and once we put up restricted entrances and the signs, we started to restrict who entered the property. We called the police once on a person, the police did come by, took his name and warned him that a second violation means arrest.

    When I was still in we heard at a meeting for field service to leave once the householder points to the sign.

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