Check out my molester's Christian mission web site!

by morrisamb 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Hortensia

    it didn't happen that many times? Even once is too many and is a crime. I hate people like this, but it's an impotent kind of hate. somehow they survive and keep hurting people.

  • morrisamb

    Right on Hortensia! You know what cracks me up. I've seen Witnesses more worked up about my being gay then about my father being a molester. They view him as a heterosexual molester. God, what bullshit! I'll bet it would take me longer to get accepted back into the faith then my father - a serial molester. It boggles the mind. Like I say, all this is great fodder for my next speech. Unfortunately, children and women (well, he is "straight" you know, LOL) are victims to this "Reverand's" ministering. He was at wife # 5, last I counted and he has 8 children from 3 different women (my dear mother being virgin wife #1) not inlcuding 4 step children. You think that, besides the fact he went to jail for molesting my brothers, sister and I, that might be a clue to true motives. Nope!

  • Hortensia

    it's so interesting how a mind-control cult can make otherwise normal loving people into twisted monsters with very strange priorities. And a manipulator like that can fool them many times.

  • Hope4Others

    Good idea to send letters/documentation to the government stating he is a pedophile and has served jail time..??


  • Velvetann

    Oh my thats just so sick, here this man amoung all those innocent little children pretending to be a Man of God. I read your book Daniel and I just find it unbelievable that these men get away wtth this. Where is the Justice.

    Paula Aka Velvet

  • Cardinal Fang
    Cardinal Fang

    "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of have done it unto me."

    The clanging irony is deafening....

  • Mary

    I see you can log into this scumbag's website and "post a comment". Perhaps some of us should log on there and do just that so that others can see what this prick is really like.

  • Velvetann

    I think thats a good idea Mary, what do you think Donald?? I will do it if Mary does it. I am sure he will delete it but it will let him know we are onto him


  • bisous

    Disgusting site and evil person. From one victim to another, I empathize with you immensely.

    I must say that I believe molesters and abusers are rarely 'turned' into such by cults, rather I believe cults provide the forum for them to perform their abuses more freely and in fact many times allow them to dare to go further than before.

    I daresay few if any normal loving individuals enter a cult and become abusers. The capability was there all along.

    Also, I am not in any way defending cults, JWs or other.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Even a stint in jail couldn't stop him. His relatives have supported him in varying degrees. I believe that child molesters are viewed differently especially if some of the victims are family members.

    I have come to understand that offenders do not stop because (1) they see nothing wrong with what they have done (or want to continue doing); and (2) the world at large, although greatly improved, still is not willing to make the effort to stop them.

    Therefore -- opportunity + desire + lack of restraining guilt + no impulse control = child abuse.

    I think one reason your book hit so close to home is that my father is still a ministerial servant in good standing while I was demonized, both among Jehovah's Witnesses and amongst the "worldly" relatives. My cousin said it best, "You spoke blasphemy."

    And really Donald, that's what happened to you. It's the Through The Looking Glass world where the innocent are villified, the wounded are punished and the guilty are celebrated.

    I'm sorry you had to live through something like that, and then to see your father trying for sainthood.

    I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to post something here that I said to you in PM: I truly hope your father is right. I truly hope there is a God, a God as judgmental as he claims it to be. If there is such a God, then he will have to face such an accountant-like, harsh and judgemental God. For anyone else, I would feel pity. For him, I feel satisfaction and relief.


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