News item downunder - Has Bigfoot been found?

by ozziepost 49 Replies latest social current

  • minimus

    We all know Ozzie is really Bigfoot and someone should put an end to this nonsense thread. oh Gregor, that WAS funny!

  • yknot

    Found a pic from their downed webpage....

  • rebel8

    Well the press conference just ended (I think) and here's the story.

  • Satanus

    Until real scientists examine it and publish results, i ain't buying it. It sounds funny. For instance:

    'Tom Biscardi, Chief Executive Officer of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., states that he is convinced that a dead creature allegedly found in the mountains of northern Georgia is the elusive Bigfoot.

    In an interview with Investigation Discovery this afternoon, Biscardi provided exclusive details about the discovery of the creature and shared what it was like to see it firsthand. According to Biscardi, it was roughly three weeks ago when Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, two men who reportedly operate a Bigfoot tracking business,'

    'they had it] for about two months. They were afraid. They didn't know what to think about what they had."'

    How could guys who made a business out of finding these things freeze up w fear for two months after they finally succeed?

    S waiting.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I didn't expect much and their conference only confirmed it. They didn't role out any body at the conference. The best test result they could produce was inconclusive DNA results that point to possible human and possum DNA.

    Then there are inconsistencies in their early stories and what they said at the conference. Like the intestines burst from decomposition while they were transporting and storing it. But now they found it already that way.

    And they're going to charge people to see more pictures on their website.

  • Fadeout

    Such false prophets tend to put the subject of Bigfoot in disrepute.


    That`s not BigFoot!..I`d know that face any where..That`s my X-mother inlaw..I hope they keep her in the dam freezer!............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • flipper

    YKNOT- That picture is pretty freaky ! Looks like a real creature to me ! Looks like it's intestines are hanging out ! Jesus. They better re-freeze the Squatch or he or she will stink the place up ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • rebel8

    Not surprisingly, there wasn't much press coverage of it here in the US. To me that thing looks like a costume with a handful of roadkill guts thrown on top, but then again, it looks like other ape-like carcasses I've seen pics of (which also looked fake-ish).

    They claim to have found the body deep in the woods, and while they were moving it, they saw other creatures and filmed them. They say they have been secretive about it thus far because they were afraid it would get stolen (probably a valid concern, IF they're telling the truth).

    They had 1 press conference but don't seem to be making a big effort to get a ton of publicity. Their web site has been relatively quiet about it. Doesn't seem they've sold pics or the footage yet.

    If they're just trying to get attention, they're doing a fairly poor job of it. Could be they believe they've got the real thing and will be selling everything once it's confirmed by DNA. By then it could be worth more than the first pics of AnnaBrad's twins.

  • inkling


    The fact that so many people take this seriously makes me very very sad.

    Here is a excellent debunking of thier "find" :


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