What About JWD Has Been Special To You???

by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    When I was exiting, I would read this board and I learned a lot. There were tons of people that were realizing the truth about the Organization. I had already read critical books about JWs but this site was a daily, regular "spiritual feeding". It helped me to see that the "Truth" was bullcrap. No question at all after reading everyone's testimonials.

    Once you were on this site there was no getting around it---you can't forget what you know is true. you can try to fool yourself, rationalize why staying in the Organization is all worth it but you do know the reality----and it IS better that way!

  • jaguarbass

    It was the counter. Now that I made it to 5000 post my mission has been fulfilled.

    I have seen boards come and go that I have posted on.

    This one was more special to me. Having been raised/brainwashed a JW.

    I used to post on the Yahoo Harley Davidson board. That fell apart a few years ago.

    Sometimes I post on the Yahoo Ford board.

    I'll miss this place.

  • LouBelle

    I remember googling Jehovahs' witnesses and popping into each site to check it out - I went to freeminds and saw a link here....well that was that

    1. a community of people that got me from the word go - do you know what it's like trying to explain to outsiders the relief you feel, the pain, the struggle you went thorugh to get out....not many get it.

    2. i've got to know some wonderful people here - positive people that have turned their lives around and living it to the full now.

    3. I've got to know rock (still getting to know more about you every day) ...he knows who he is - someone I hold very very dear to my heart, and if it wasn't for here I wouldn't have met him...or perhaps I would have - the world has a strange way of drawing like minded people together.

    4. I've gotten to encourage others who have left, and hopefully shown them that we can get over it - there is always hope.

    5. the amount of effort put into research and looking up quotes is astounding and I truly don't think the people that did that know how much those kind of things were and still are appreciated.

    6. I got to question and be questioned in return

    and so much more...again I have to say I'm going to be truly sad that a community such as this one is going to be gone...it is desperately needed and any other forum/site that is launched is just not going to match this one ...

  • UnConfused

    It was like "Cheers" for me - after I was able to work out my JWism via the folks here. And I've made some personal friends.

  • dinah

    It has meant so much for me. I had figured out that the WT was false, but coming here let me know that I was not alone.

    So, I guess that's what it did for me. I have moved so far beyond doctrine and arguing about religion and beliefs. The main thing I learned here is that we are all human with all our quirks. We can disagree but still have some respect (at least some people can).

    Might I add the "gay rights" issue could have been handled here in a more civil manner if not for the trolls.

  • restrangled

    I received much support after my mom shunned me out of the blue. Researching was fantastic,... and then it was a lot of fun. Even met a relative I had never met. (you know who you are )

    I also loved the format of this forum, easy to read/pick and choose threads.

    It was a great place to vent, even about the silliest things, and someone was always there with a cyber listening ear. It was also very theraputic to rehash the old JW things that were just buried with the years and make sense of them...(if thats possible)

    Holiday time was really fun, because so many people were just as thrilled as the next to be celebrating with you....I think most of us were newbies on this front. (recipe exchanges/cooking ideas were always fun too)

    Of course all the personalities, stories, histories, and day to day dramas were always captivating...(The members were the best part of JWD)

    Last but not least, there was that red dot guy.


  • flipper

    I have learned a lot about the scandals and crazy inside abuse that goes on inside the Watchtower society since I've been on the board in the last year and a half. Stopped going to meetings 5 years ago : and I learned more here than the 44 years I was born and raised a witness ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • nameless_one

    I have learned so much here, an incredible amount of information, and have also found this site to be invaluable for staying aware of what the WTS is up to and one step ahead.

    I lurked here for years before actually posting, but once I did start participating it was like an outlet that helped me not feel so alone. I am an UBM, and in my real life I've NO ONE who understands any of this -- of course I can't discuss this stuff with believing Witnesses, and the "worldly" people in my life don't understand how deep and twisted it all is. Here, I have been able to be amongst people who do understand, and that has lifted a huge weight from me and also helped me hold onto my sanity LOL.

    The combination of the information and the people here has been a remarkable experience that has changed my life. I'll always be grateful for it.

  • ChakkaConned

    Even though I haven't posted much through the years, I read it nearly everyday. It's been such a comfort to know that I could always come here to find other "like minded" souls who have gone through the same things I have as an ex jw. It's been my soft place to fall. It was great to get news ahead of time about what was going down in the org.

    I want to add my thanks to Simon and Angharad for all of the hard work and dedication they put in to give us this wonderful opportunity to heal and move on. It definetely made it easier to process all of the emotions that go with the realization of what the JW's are truly about.

    Godspeed to all!

    Feeling vaclempt,


  • caliber

    Life (JWD) gave us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a life time...

    It gave us a voice... one which the WT would hope remain in silence or else imprisoned by rote thoughts ,comments and actions !


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