Good Manners Never Go Out Of Style

by snowbird 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    Yes, Sylvia.

    I have already made some kind of transition.

    Life is good*

    Very good for you, Summer.

    I'd decided to move on before this announcement, but I felt compelled to address the issue of nasty and rude posters.


  • *summer*

    Strangely enough, I also made an exit Tuesday:-)

    But I was made aware of Simon's decision via email this morning, so I came back.

    And I am glad I did, as I already found another outlet.

    And of course, I also had to make sure that I don't lose touch with a precious few.

    So all is well. And life goes on:-)

  • mrsjones5

    Yes, good manners never go out of style. Folks are not always going to agree to one's point of view or agree with whatever lifestyle one may have. And that's OK. The mark of true maturity is being able to understand that not everyone will like you and not be personally offended when people don't agree with you and being able to accept that graciously.

    That's my humble opinion.


  • snowbird
    The mark of true maturity is being able to understand that not everyone will like you and not be personally offended when people don't agree with you and being able to accept that graciously.

    That's my humble opinion.


    And what a great humble opinion that is, Josie.


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