Good Manners Never Go Out Of Style

by snowbird 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    After the initial shock from reading Simon's announcement wore off, I re-read it again for the first time.

    Here is something that really stood out:

    The ex-JW community has certainly changed over the years.

    People have and always will have disagreements but in the past there was a certain level of mutual respect, even if you vehemently disagreed with someone, and a line that people would not cross. Now it seems that the slightest disagreement is taken to extremes and escalated beyond all proportion with a level of vitriol seen in very few online communities. Some people even hold grudges about things that have happened literally 5 or 6 years ago! How sad and pathetic is that?

    It seems that too many people don't want a civil place and for some reason don’t want to see other people have one either.

    I think the silent majority have always appreciated what we do and continue to support us but there is a sizeable minority that is either easily swayed or too lazy or stupid to see what is happening or just plain don’t care and even think its all fun to watch and it becomes a game – maybe they have nothing better to do with their lives?

    Others seem to have a problem with any sort of authority and refuse to cooperate with the simplest request. Time and again we see simple requests or announcements turned into major battles and campaigns.

    Can we all see a little or a lot of ourselves in the above? I hope so, and I hope we all resolve to change our attitudes. If we don't, it doesn't matter which online community we may decide to join, we'll just foul up the new place with our ugliness.

    Just a thought.


  • snowbird

    OK, I messed up on the quote. Here's what it should be:

    The ex-JW community has certainly changed over the years.

    People have and always will have disagreements but in the past there was a certain level of mutual respect, even if you vehemently disagreed with someone, and a line that people would not cross. Now it seems that the slightest disagreement is taken to extremes and escalated beyond all proportion with a level of vitriol seen in very few online communities. Some people even hold grudges about things that have happened literally 5 or 6 years ago! How sad and pathetic is that?

    It seems that too many people don't want a civil place and for some reason don’t want to see other people have one either.

    I think the silent majority have always appreciated what we do and continue to support us but there is a sizeable minority that is either easily swayed or too lazy or stupid to see what is happening or just plain don’t care and even think its all fun to watch and it becomes a game – maybe they have nothing better to do with their lives?

    Others seem to have a problem with any sort of authority and refuse to cooperate with the simplest request. Time and again we see simple requests or announcements turned into major battles and campaigns.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    While I agree with having good manners and not being a jerk, not all of us were that way.

    So, no, I don't see myself as a contributer to that mess, and I don't see a lot of others as contributers to it, either.

    I do see some, though, as being jerks and they need to knock it off.

  • snowbird

    So as not to appear judgmental, I resorted to the universal "we."

    On a side note, Brooklyn must be dancing in the streets at this news!


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    You're so correct, white dove. I do think it is always a small minority of people who cross the line. I think whoever moniters this site for Brooklyn is rubbbing their hands together at the thought of this site shutting down.

    Surely something else will take its place because the need is out there.

  • *summer*

    I agree with you, Sylvia...good manners never go out of style.

    What I find sad is that some posters are continually rude and insulting. Then again, they are seen as witty and so funny.

    Perhaps it is only me...

  • snowbird
    Perhaps it is only me...

    Not at all.


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    No, they don't ever go out of style.

    Good manners, graciousness, tact, dignity and respect will always be a pleasure to encounter. Just because we've left the JWs, doesn't mean we should leave our decency behind at the KH.

    What I find sad is that some posters are continually rude and insulting. Then again, they are seen as witty and so funny.

    Perhaps it is only me...

    No Summer .... you're definitely not alone.

  • snowbird

    Let us press on.


  • *summer*

    Yes, Sylvia.

    I have already made some kind of transition.

    Life is good*

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