If you found yourself sitting next to a GB member on a plane...

by slimboyfat 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    ...or on a train or whatever, and it was just the two of you, and the it was going to be a reasonably long trip... what would you say to him?

    Would you try to reason with him that the Witnesses are wrong? Tell him what things need to change and why? Just rant at him to make you feel better? Change seats?

    Would you let on that you were/are a Witness, or pretend to discuss issues from a perspective of ignorance?

    Would it depend on which GB member you met?

    Would you like to have such an opportunity? Have you had such an opportunity? Could it make any difference to you or to him, or would it be a waste of time?

    Who would you really like to find yourself sat next to on a plane if not a GB member?

  • Yizuman

    I would say the same thing he does....



  • Satanus

    I wouldn't want one of the lizard people aliens on the same plane w me.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I would ask him to pull my finger as much as he pulled my leg over the years.

  • yknot

    Well ideally I would have my trusty pen recorder....and like any other JW....I would get him chatting about his issues or doubts and other theocratic stories.

    I reserve the right to employ theocratic strategy.

    If I could choose GB members.....Gerrit or Tony for future WTS stuff but I would pick Jack for the oldtime stories.

  • dinah

    First I would look around to see if there was a Marshall on the plane. Then I'd give him a judychop.

    Has anybody seen "The Crow"? In the end Eric put his hand on a bad guy's forehead and let him feel the pain his fiancee felt before her death. If I had some superhero capabilities, I'd transfer all the pain they caused to the GB member and let him live with it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    "I read that you guys do everything on a 2/3rds majority vote.
    How does your Jehovah only reach 2/3rds of his representatives on
    earth with his spiritual guidance?"

    "Can you explain how you guys have not fit the criteria for 'false prophets'
    clearly? I ask because you certainly have claimed that the organization
    speaks for Jehovah or 'in-His-name' and you certainly have claimed things
    in the past that didn't come to fruition."

    "I have read of many instances of pedophiles among Jehovah's Witnesses.
    I know you cannot comment on specific cases, but it seems that often, the
    Watchtower seeks to protect the name of Jehovah and His organization in
    these matters. They become legalistic and protective. This type of
    reaction often causes the victims of pedophiles to feel secondary to the
    organization. Don't you think Jehovah wants you to do everything for the
    victim first and that He can protect His own name and organization?"

  • blondie

    They will either plead ignorance or that it is confidential or the "clarification" explanation. They too will toe the party line. In days gone past GB members could stray outside the written policy/doctrine, but more likely now, it will come back to bite them.

  • Mary

    I'd offer him the latest literature:

  • Finally-Free

    I would change seats, but I would do that even if the person wasn't a JW. I don't like sitting next to people if I don't have to. I like my space.


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