If you found yourself sitting next to a GB member on a plane...

by slimboyfat 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I would develop alot of gas. Hope it's a long flight

  • Amha·’aret

    I'd ask him, "Why?"

    For all I've discovered over the past few months, for the life of me I can't figure out why they do this to people. Do they actually believe their own teachings? But don't live according to them - thus being hypocrites of the highest order. Or do they really thing think they are exempt? - thus making them delusional and maybe a little nutty. Do they really trip on the little power they attain by doing this? Its not like they live the high live of those before them (the judge etc) so I don't get it.

    Either that or smother the guy with a pillow.

  • Rabbit
    Has anybody seen "The Crow"? In the end Eric put his hand on a bad guy's forehead and let him feel the pain his fiancee felt before her death. If I had some superhero capabilities, I'd transfer all the pain they caused to the GB member and let him live with it.


    Hopefully... it would be on some 15 hour non-stop flight, with lots of turbulence, so he'll keep belted in his seat.

    THEN, I'd get him to explain the corporate blood policy. THEN, every single change and flip-flop that has occured since it's inception.

    THEN, I'd get him to explain the corporate organ transplant policy. THEN, the Olde "...it's cannibalistic" policy.

    THEN, I'd ask him how he sleeps at night...knowing thousands of loyal JW's have died, because they were hanging on to whatever the Current New Lightis...only to have it change into Forbidden Olde Light -- the very next day !!!!!!! All because these true believers showed unflinching faith...that Jehovah their God was using the Governing Body -- exclusively -- as "...a CONDUIT" for His direction.

    He would then say, "I sleep fine at night, God has always used an imperfect human organization. Shit...er, I mean 'things happen', ya' know?"

    I would then give him, as much as possible, a heart-wrenching minute-by-minute account of the death of one of those Faithful Witnesses, following GB 'No Blood Transfusion' directions. My mom. Not too long after her death...the GB, thru Jah's pipeline, saw "New Light" or maybe 2/3 of them heard the same little muffled voices in their heads: Hemoglobin -- formerly a DF'ing, death for all eternity sin was now OK. A "Conscience matter."

    THEN, I would pronounce him -- a blood-guilty, dangerous, paranoid-ridden false prophet, who's heart and eyes have died a long time ago.

    Oh, yeah...I'd love to be stuck in a plane or elevator, etc. with one of these guys.


    He would say, "I sleep fine at night, God has always used an imperfect human organization. Shit...er, I mean 'things happen', ya' know?"


  • sooner7nc

    I think that I would have to get up and move, or get off the plane. If I didn't, I don't know that I could keep myself from sawing his head off, or pulling off his fingers, etc.

  • restrangled

    I thought they made a movie about this, "Snakes on a Plane"


  • hornetsnest

    LOL! I think I'd be like Awakened at Gilead. I'd grin and let him know, then act according to his response. If they want head games, let's get to it. I'm totally comfortable in that situation.

    Sometimes though, they react in ways that will astonish you, including the telling of their own doubts. Talk about serendipity! It happens!


  • AGuest

    Met one. Two actually. Spoke with one at length. Learned that it doesn't really matter what you say because (1) they are not who they claim to be (and, yes, they know it - they may have believed it at one time, but they've known since at least 1975 that they're not); and (2) they now say and do (and don't say/do) whatever they have to in order to keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food in their stomachs.

    Truly, if they were to "come clean" and/or disagree with the WTBTS, where in the world would they go? WHOM would they go away TO? Other JWs? What JW "in good standing" would have them? "Wordly" family that they rejected/taught others to reject? I don't think they could muster up that much humility and contrition.

    No, truly, they have "no one to go away to"... and they know it. And it is truly a very sad thing. Very sad.

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • VM44
    If you found yourself sitting next to a GB member on a plane

    How about what happens at 1:20 into this video?


  • justhuman

    I would have put him on trial, I would be the judge, the prosecutor, and the jury. The outcome of my court it would be DEATH sentence. He will be send out of the plane....

  • VM44
    He will be send out of the plane....

    Check out my video reference. hehe

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