Why I Hate the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society

by Darklighter 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dinah
    it says that you can't love God who you can't see if you don't love your brother who you can.

    That pretty well sums it up for me. When I was told as a child, "don't get close to this person or that person" "don't love him" all because they don't worship Jehovah, which was really cult speak for the WT--cognitive dissonance!!

    I think most people just bury it.

  • burningbridges

    I think its time you put all that intelligence and effort into getting your wife out so you can have that wonderful family you've been dreaming about.... dreams do come true.... it can happen. Don't flood her, ask questions.... show her doubts... read that thread thats up right now about the new light about the july 15 watchtower. show her that. Show her the cross scan... look at this link.... (i'll post it next, gotta look it up, cregit to original poster...)

  • burningbridges

    ok i dont know if that thread disapeared or what but i cant find it in the search or in my post history ? ? ? ... if you send me your email I will email to you... . unless someone else can provide a link... it was for the scan for the reasoning book that alleged that a book supported that Christ died on a stake when all they did was leave out paragraphs and sentences that said otherwise, toatlly misrepresenting what they really said.... It really shows that the WT society is soooo scandalous!!!!


  • jamiebowers

    I agree with your stance on not having children while in the organization. It is a dangerous place for children in every way; psychologically, emotionally and unfortunately, quite often sexually. Combatting Cult Mind Control is a very good book, particularly chapters 8 - 10. I think it makes realizing that the "truth" isn't the truth a whole lot less scary. The book also helps readers to understand how and why people get stuck in cults. It's not a matter of love or intelligence but awareness.

    I got the book on amazon.com for about $8 with shipping. It may help you to get your wife out, and it will definitely help you to progress out of the cult. Keep us posted on what's happening with you.

  • dawg

    "I can easily pick out several events that if they had not happened, or had they played out differently, I might still today be gushing over the latest "generation" change and how this "new light" is such a wondeful blessing from Jehovah".

    Are you kidding bro, and you think that these things don't happen to each and every JW? Some smart ass elder smarting off? Someone committing adultery? Something that happens to each and every JW that makes them have doubts? What? That only happens to you? You are a real cool person as far as I can see... and you know you're no better than anyone else... All JW's have all kinds of BS happen to them and yet some never question, I mean never! They just don't want their fantasy interrupted, its got to be that simple!

    The hours devoted to hitting on the doors of strangers, the belief that you, only you and your fellow believers had the real truth about the biggest question that ever been asked by mankind! What is God's will, and am I doing it??? And the answer was always Yes! Yes! I'm in league with God... I'm doing his will! That makes anyone feel good doesn't it? Remember that feeling? I do....

    But then it happens, it might be just one slight lie but you catch them still... and you wonder... why do they say not to listen to apostates? What I read today in my Watchtower simply isn't true. I wonder what they may be hiding? And after years and years of marching like a drone to the WT drum, you finally see something you absolutely can't verify. You have caught them, and without a doubt, you know for the first time that these men are just that....men... and you have no reason to fear them.

    So you no longer ponder over the kissing of your wife's privates... you no longer worry that the ones you love my need blood to save their lives... and much more of your personal leanings may be discovered!

    That is how it happens to people that see reality, because each and every JW, has reasons for doubt just like I described above... but that feeling, that feeling that each and everyone of us has felt, that we are loved by God himself, that we are the only ones doing his will, that's what makes doubters silence their feelings.... we all want God to love us....

    Some of us just have the ability to see reality, and we can't let ourselves live in that fantasy world the JWs have created... But each and every JW knows in the pit of their minds that all of this is Bullshit... they just don't want to believe it... they want God's love just that bad.

  • dawg

    What I'm saying is we have to hand them a bone... we can't just tell them they haven't been doing the will of God... That's all they've lived for....

    And that is the one thing I have no idea how to do! LOL!

  • startingovernow

    "Yet, I cannot have children with this woman because I could not in good conscience raise those children as Jehovah's Witnesses"

    I hear you. And yet even though I no longer consider myself a witness, the choice is still fraught with problems. Unlike you, I actually chose to be a Witness at 12 because I liked having boundaries/rules. It's a sad testament to how messed up my family was (no JW's) - I had no moral training, no answers to what happens when we die, who go to heaven, etc. So when the Witnesses offered to study with me I jumped at the chance to learn about the Bible. Now, after all that I've been through, well let me back up, when I was still active I wrestled with the decision about children because I figured if I was as lonely as I was in the congregation, how much more so could my children be? I made the choice with no help/encouragement from anyone to take a stand in school - I didn't do all the things Witnesses don't do even though I wasn't even allowed to talk to Witnesses for 4 years during that time. I had great godly fear. After I was able to associate with Witnesses I realized that most Witness kids don't take the kind of stand I was taking (I followed what the school brochure said) in school, man, most JW kids I know don't even to to school- spoiled, sheltered brats. So now that I know what I know and it has adversely affected my view of God, I have trouble deliberately raising children without the ability to answer questions as to spirituality and religion.

    But, anyway, if your wife is a JW, doesn't she know that Witnesses are not encouraged to have children because we are so close to the end?

  • dawg

    You guys ignored this post???? WTF????

    "I can easily pick out several events that if they had not happened, or had they played out differently, I might still today be gushing over the latest "generation" change and how this "new light" is such a wondeful blessing from Jehovah".

    Are you kidding bro, and you think that these things don't happen to each and every JW? Some smart ass elder smarting off? Someone committing adultery? Something that happens to each and every JW that makes them have doubts? What? That only happens to you? You are a real cool person as far as I can see... and you know you're no better than anyone else... All JW's have all kinds of BS happen to them and yet some never question, I mean never! They just don't want their fantasy interrupted, its got to be that simple!

    The hours devoted to hitting on the doors of strangers, the belief that you, only you and your fellow believers had the real truth about the biggest question that ever been asked by mankind! What is God's will, and am I doing it??? And the answer was always Yes! Yes! I'm in league with God... I'm doing his will! That makes anyone feel good doesn't it? Remember that feeling? I do....

    But then it happens, it might be just one slight lie but you catch them still... and you wonder... why do they say not to listen to apostates? What I read today in my Watchtower simply isn't true. I wonder what they may be hiding? And after years and years of marching like a drone to the WT drum, you finally see something you absolutely can't verify. You have caught them, and without a doubt, you know for the first time that these men are just that....men... and you have no reason to fear them.

    So you no longer ponder over the kissing of your wife's privates... you no longer worry that the ones you love my need blood to save their lives... and much more of your personal leanings may be discovered!

    That is how it happens to people that see reality, because each and every JW, has reasons for doubt just like I described above... but that feeling, that feeling that each and everyone of us has felt, that we are loved by God himself, that we are the only ones doing his will, that's what makes doubters silence their feelings.... we all want God to love us....

    Some of us just have the ability to see reality, and we can't let ourselves live in that fantasy world the JWs have created... But each and every JW knows in the pit of their minds that all of this is Bullshit... they just don't want to believe it... they want God's love just that bad.
    IP: pMlLYbbsytsq+DcA

  • zagor
    Why I Hate the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society

    I don't hate them, I just ignore them, the same way I ignore this horsefly on outside of my window. Though now that you mention it it does kind of bug me more I look at it. Well I guess just bash them here till you had enough, in any case, that is what this board is for, so fire away.

  • wednesday

    I realized the wts and it followers were dangerous years before I finally stopped attending. I could find no way out at the time so I did what I could- I refused to go in service. I refused to give the mags to anyone else. I refused to be involved in letting the wts ruin anyones else's life. I could not in good conscience go out in service. It made me inactive and "marked" but I took a stand. I also found ways to counter witness during this time. It was a small thing but I did what i could.

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