I know that a lot of people here will not agree but........

by Wordly Andre 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    We could all go in coveralls, flannel shirts, and straw hats with hoes in our hands. Our signs could read, "Monotony Life in the New System: Endless farming. " Of course, the ladies would wear dresses, heels, and pearl necklaces and carry bushel baskets of red, ripe apples.

    Do you really want live forever as a farmer?


  • StAnn

    Not to dress up but a good sign would be: "Live in Paradise on Earth Now~Become an Ex-JW"


  • shamus100

    Endless farming... good one!

  • IreallydidwalkoutofaKH

    I think someone brought me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously....I thought about alot of stuff. What it all boils down to is passion. I really think amama is right though.....your attention should be on the GB. However....little hits here and there and then again over there...... take there toll on the congrations as well. So if you want to do it just make sure it is well planned and maybe have people on the inside "watch your back"!

  • mouthy

    Who was it that dressed up as the Devil, pitch fork, horns etc & stood outside the Assembly grounds .?

    Somebody on this site LOL ( I know but I wont squeal)

  • lisavegas420
    That with one being a Smurf holding a sign saying "I walked out of a KH...so should you!

    bravo bravo...excellent. l laughed out loud.


  • yknot

    I am not into that ....yet...

    But I will toss in my suggestion.....

    Stand next to a mocked up version of a phonograph and play the old recorded Russell & Rutherford stuff.

    Maybe pay some child actors to wear billboards and distribute 'fun with covers' WT editions with jwd address.

    Set up a booth with Free but will take donations CDs of older publications.

    Maybe loop the Racket and a Snare comment a couple of times.....

  • lisavegas420
    Maybe pay some child actors to wear billboards and distribute 'fun with covers' WT editions with jwd address.

    In the 60's, I remember going out during lunch intermission and handing out handbills inviting people to the assembly. I hated it. My mom said just be glad you don't have to wear a billboard.

    We walked down the street handing them out to those that would take one, most would just walk away. Then we'd walk back up the street and pick up the ones that had been thown down on the ground.

    sorry to get off topic..carry on.


  • mouthy
  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    So far I have about 10 people (my friends and family) that are willing to dress up as smurfs, I think I will plan it when I can get 20 or more to join up. My friend Chris said he always wanted to be Poppa Smurf. The Long Beach Assembly is too close for me to get this together but I will keep a look out for a date.

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