I thought at least one would.

by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey Rob, we haven't know you for a year, but weyour JWD interweb familylove you!!

    Sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you're on the mend. I've been feeling poorly myself and haven't been around here much. I think the Gods are angry with us because we're just too, too beautiful. We've been smited with illness to keep us humble. Yeah, that's why we're both sick, because we're beautiful...

    B the X

  • whitman

    hmmmm.... I suspect there will soon be some bitch slapping over the affections of one sparkly spaghetti man.... who will draw first blood?

    place your bets....

  • dwtnphotog

    Rob, Been there done that. It hurts for a while until you realize that they are doing it to themselves! They are the ones missing out on your wonderful, sparkly life! They'll come around eventually!

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up



    I want to see, i want to see!!

    Ps I found out today from a witness friend that my sister is in town from today until sunday (she lives about 6 hours from here). Sydney district convention. Obviously she doesn't intend to have contact.

  • Hope4Others

    Sorry Rob for the hurt you are feeling, you know I luv ya.

    And you have friends here...that care.

    Luv Auntie

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Hey Rob - What can I say that hasn't been said already - you did the right thing, which took courage - they are doing the wrong thing... The fact that your sparkle shines through your sadness shows what a gem you are!!!


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    I don't know your situation in detail, str8, but Steven Hassan actually recommends sending loved ones in cults loving messages. You didn't get a response - sad, but that's the reality of the situation for many unfortunately.

    Why are you disappointed at yourself for sending it? If you meant what you wrote to them, you can feel good that you had the courage and love to do so. Maybe you should keep doing it every few weeks or so. It probably has more effect on your relatives than you realise...? Remember, to a certain extent they're torn between what they've been taught and what they feel. Try and be as caring as possible and reach their authentic self rather than the cult self.

  • penny2

    Well said, Eyes Open.

    Str8, I think it's very sad that they haven't replied. But you did the right thing, sending them the message. That's how you felt and you spoke from the heart.


  • TrekkerJW
    "I found out today from a witness friend that my sister is in town from today until sunday (she lives about 6 hours from here). Sydney district convention. Obviously she doesn't intend to have contact."

    Perhaps your witness friend can help you arrange to "accidentally" have contact. I really enjoyed the panicked and bewildered look on my grandma's face at my brother's wedding a couple of weeks ago (I was shocked to even be invited). I noticed that she was ignoring me, so I hugged her and began making small talk. She did respond when I asked questions, but wasn't very comfortable. I'm such a bitch sometimes!

    Seriously, I know how hard it is to deal with shunning. I'm proud of you for sending that message to your siblings; I let mine shun me without having the guts to stand up to them. Good for you, Rob!

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    For you... and others like you (i.e., those shunned by loved ones)... it might help if you keep in mind that they CAN'T respond: their minds... and hearts are veiled... blinded. They can't SEE you... because the Darkness stands between you and them. That is not your fault, however, and so it's understanding why this would hurt. Rather than being angry at them, however, perhaps you can find it in YOUR heart... to PITY them... for they are the ones in need of it. Try this:

    Imagine that you were involved in a tragic auto accident that left you physicall, mentally and emotionally impaired. Where you formerly had sight, you are now blind. Where you formerly were a rational, reasonable, loving being... you are now vengeful, judgmental, hateful. But... you don't know it because you don't remember how you formerly were: you think nothing's changed, that your faculties are intact and you are acting as you always have. In that light, YOU think your words are kind but in truth they are painful to those you direct them to. YOU think you're greeting those you love... but in truth you've not spoken to them at all. You think you have on clean, proper clothing, but in fact, you're wearing under garments on the outside... and they're inside out... and dirty!! People even try to tell you, but your injury has so clouded your faculties... and you are SO blind... that what you believe is true... is not... and what you would previously have thought to be mean, disgusting, distasteful... is what you now say... and do!

    And your affliction continues for several years until, one day, you're in another "accident." You're hit on the head and as a result your former faculties are fully restored! Your mind clears, the "lights" come on and you can see! And you "see" yourself... mentally, emotionally, physically... and this time, you maintain awareness of how you acted... and appeared... while you were ill.

    Imagine, if you will... your utter chagrin at your former conduct and presentation. Imagine... your embarassment... your shame... your self-disgust. I ask you: can you FEEL that? If you can, then you know what a horrible feeling that is... one you wouldn't wish on an enemy, and certainly not on someone you claim to love.

    Now, imagine, if you will, a time when those who've treated you as they are now are "hit on the head." Imagine the day when they finally "see" themselves... their conduct and their appearance... in full! Not only will they be standing there with their chonies inside out... some won't even have chonies! And there'll STILL be stains! Now imagine... their chagrin... their embarassment... their shame... their self-disgust. FEEL it... for them.

    And now... allow yourself to feel... pity for them. For their chagrin... their embarassment... their shame... their self-disgust.

    Because one day they WILL be hit on the head (actually, IN th heart!)... and the "lights" WILL come on for them. Maybe not in this system... but certain in the next. And they will need to be pitied.

    But you don't have to wait until then: you can start practicing your compassion... now.

    Don't allow yourself to turn into what you despise.

    I bid you peace... and the strength to conquer the "bad"... with good.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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