What's the most ridiculous thing that was ever said to you personally?

by iamthewolf5562 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Someone said that Keyser has a big phallus.

    When did you talk to Jennifer Connelly?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Don't you mean Pee Wee Herman?

  • amama2six

    Here's an email response I received to some of my comments on the ex-JW YouTube videos about families shunning their DFed members (myself included):

    maybe its somethin' wrong with your family because you can't completely disown a family members when they don't follow the teachings we're given. I know because my brother is disfellowshipped and i was sad because i thought i wasn't going to be able to talk to him again. However, an elder came to our house and told our family that we could still talk to him because we can't not talk to him. The only thing that we have to do is limit the time we spend with him.

    It's not just my family. Every DFed JW I know has had the same shunning experience. I'm glad this was not your personal experience, however! Not to say I don't talk to my family at ALL but it's VERY general "Hi, how are ya...love you...yeah love you too" and that's about it...and they don't even attend the meetings anymore themselves! My DFed best friend's mother (we grew up together from the age of about six), who is still a devout Jehovah's Witness, refused to attend her wedding, refused to be there for her when she got cervical cancer-radiation treatments-endometriosis-total hysterectomy, and only calls her when someone in the family is dying/dead.

    I could understand if I was throwing apostate information at them or was leading a wholly immoral life, but I am not. I have a husband and six children that cry for the grandparents that will not get close enough to have a real relationship with them. I can count on one hand the number of times they have ever been in the same room with us over the past 12 years. It is the same for my friend with her mother and many more like us. The heartbreak each of us face is unimaginable and we have been told it is supposed to be out of "love" in hopes that we will come back to "the truth".

    Again, I am glad that in your personal experience this has not been the case. I wish more would take that approach on the issue...as having everything and everyone you know and love taken away from you in an instant simply for a choice you made is not what I would consider "loving" or "Godly"...it is cruel and heartless.

    Regardless...blessings to you and your family, I wholly respect your belief choices and hope you do not view my message as an attack on your faith. It certainly is not meant to be so! Aside from the heartache involved I am fully willing to admit that I have gleaned many positive attributes from my years as a Jehovah's Witness, and for that I am thankful. *Hugs* ~April

  • ID Crisis
    ID Crisis

    (1) "you look like a spiritual person" A Ministerial Servant (now an Elder)and husband of the JW who studied the bible with me,commenting on my appearance during one of my first Field Service outings. (2) "well, that could not be called spiritual" An elderly female member of our congregation, after leaving a sister's husband's funeral. The husband was not a witness. In other words, spiritual=looking+sounding like a JW. Infuriating.

  • MissingLink

    When trying to explain the generation change to my mom (she's sill on the pre-1995 version) she said:

    "That's true - the people living in 1914 will still be around at the end of the system. The problem is that medical technology keeps improving and these people are living longer and longer. The end must be very close now". This was in 2008.

    (Mom is not the sharpest tool in the shed)

  • Robert7

    "Everything said on stage comes directly from Jehovah"

    And Mr. iamthewolf, it was your mom that said this, seriously! All I could think when I heard this, even a few years ago when I was 'in', was"WTF??"

  • tijkmo

    when i told my jc that i was suicidal (effect of wrongful df-ing), the chairman tony boyland said 'well other people seem to manage'

    i can still hear those words.

    and every time i do it breaks my heart

  • kitsune

    Non-JW: (at the entrance doors to an IMAX theatre in a Science Center on the water): (person points to doors)"Is that where the submarine is?"

    JW: Don't worry about still being single. Jehovah must have something better planned for you in the New World.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    When my daughter Gojira_101 started dating a JW who happens to be a Native American Indian from Alaska my mom actually said to me "Well, I'm glad she found someone but it's going to be difficult cultural wise because of him & his family being foreigners"

    I said "Mom, they're all JW's and Alaska Indians are NOT foreigners, when I was going to school, Alaska is part of the U.S"

    Still LMAO over that one!!!

  • unstopableravens

    an elder told me to get rid of my camaro, because the only reason to have was to pick up girls or race lol

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