"All My Friends Are Leaving The Truth"

by sweet pea 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others

    I don't think you really care about the whys when you first leave, myself I just had enough and it wasn't till this January

    that I started to look and listen to what I was being told. It's been 5 yrs since a memorial.....


  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    i have two close friends who have come to me since my da, one has now jumped out of the cess pool which is the Borg, the other is making her way out. I feel proud to have been their support group as they left. The mass exodus begins!

  • MissingLink

    I think this realization can go either way though:

    • "My friends are all leaving. They're generally smart. Maybe I should at least hear them out."
    • "Satan is stepping up his efforts in these last days. I must be extra strong. Perhaps signing up for pioneering would keep me strong."
  • DJPoetech

    Here in the south, in Georgia, leaving still seems to be a solitary deal. Maybe its the bible belt mentality. I don't know. Is the experience a little different in other areas of the country or world where it comes to leaving the JWs? Are there areas that have more of a chance that a whole family will leave the truth rather than just one member? There is only a handful I know of in my area that are out but because of the shunning rules and different reasons for being out, we don't easily find each other. DJP

  • DJPoetech

    I don't mean to kill threads. It just happens that way sometimes.

  • ninja

    crickets chirp in the distance

  • ninja

    a clock ticks

  • ninja

    he he just kidding poet

  • WTWizard

    That didn't seem to happen where I was. Maybe it's because they were not really friends, but people that wanted me to do the work. And the ones that were dominant seemed stuck in it.

  • Quandry

    Here in the south, in Georgia, leaving still seems to be a solitary deal.

    Same here in Houston area. Knew lots of JWs, I don't personally know any that have left.

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