New here, but not to being an Ex-JW...

by amama2six 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Welcome amama! You fond a place where you can express yourself freely and get over the trauma of 30 years of WT indoctrination... you will cry, you will feel happy, you will go through ranges of emotions...

    One suggestion... don't waste your time going to the KH a minute away... once you tell them you're disfellowshipped you will be avoided liek the plague that they imagine you to be (as you quite well know)... make connections with other exJWs and/pr normal people...

    About me: I was a JW all my life and I just left 4 months ago... I am now embracing athesim/agnosticism.... My life has never been better as I can be true to myslef and not live a lie prescribed by old men in Brooklyn....


  • jamiebowers

    Welcome. Where is your mom? Does your stepmother have any children, or is she just using your oldest daughter for a replacement? I'm not trying to be judgemental, but it seems to me that you still don't feel good enough about yourself to stand up to your parents or your daughter's father. I've always heard that a child can choose which parent she wants to live with at the age of 12. There are drug and alcohol tests that the court can administer to disprove the accusations of your parents and your ex.

    Welcome to JWD. Hope to hear more from you soon. You'll find great support here.

  • StoneWall

    Amama Welcome to the forum
    Yours is a very interesting story and glad that you are already at ease to share so much of your past with us. Sometimes takes a while for people to get over their uneasiness to be able to post.

    Would just like to bring something to your attention. You said you really couldn't afford a lawyer right now to get your daughter back. My sister thought same way till someone pointed out how each of the states have programs usually that help low income or people in dire situations to get a professional attorney at no cost. All you do is type in Pro Bono in google and you will see where to take it from there.
    Pro Bono is Latin "for the public good"
    Her ex-husband hired a big time attorney and my sisters "free" attorney raked them over the coals..
    I kinda felt sorry for him paying all that money out and still got the short end of the stick and lost custody of the child...
    He got limited visitation but that was about it...and man he got hit for alimony big time.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you...Hang in there and take good care of those kids


  • Eliveleth


    Welcome. Your story is so familiar. So many have left the organization and

    have not been able to move on with their lives. I hope you will read a lot of

    the posts that deal with the truths that people have found since leaving the

    Wt. There are so many good people that are willing to help.

    Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to getting to know you well.

    Love and hugs,


  • LockedChaos


    You have just taken an important step
    You're here!

    I've been out 28 years
    Just dealing with it now
    Thought I was over it

    Research has helped
    Forum has helped
    Books by Ray Franz helped - a lot

    Opening up has helped

    Eyes open
    Keep thinking
    Keep searching

    All will be well

  • amama2six

    Once again, thank you to everyone for the warm welcome!!!

    I just read a post on another friend from an individual who recently went back to the KH a couple of times for an "outsider's point of view" as a way of getting closure. I know some of you might disagree but I think this may be something I will have to do eventually. Nobody here knows me (600 miles from the last KH I ever stepped in) so the whole "DF" thing wouldn't even have to come up. I was so bitter, angry, and defiant when I left that I missed out on the realization many of you have already reached...just how INSANE their teachings ARE. Well, I KNOW they are insane but it would bring a lot of closure for me, I think, to be able to go back as a true "adult" and "outsider looking in" to solidify that while I did a lot of stupid things in the process of leaving it was a result of the craziness I had been forced to live through all those years. I want to sit in a room full of these brainwashed individuals, listen to the crap being dished out that they're so willing to accept, and smile to myself knowing that I am FREE!

    It's kind of funny, actually, how one of the JW's own analogies on child rearing explains perfectly what happened to me when I left. They likened it to holding a spring pressed between your fingers. Let it go too soon and it will fly out of control, hold it too tightly for too long and then let it go and the same will happen. Let it go slowly over time and it will remain controlled. Well...I was a spring held too tightly for way too long and by the time I shimmied my way from between the fingers of control I went CRAZY with new-found freedom. A lot of hurt came from that period of my life and I've blamed myself for so long.

    I just realized something...I was raped at 18 and 21...both while in what you'd call a "bad situation". I never pressed charges (even though these were people I KNEW) because my immediate mind-set was it was my fault for putting myself in the situation to begin with (drinking and being alone with the opposite sex...oh, and I didn't scream either time because I was 1. Given the date-rape drug so I COULDN'T move, let alone scream (first time) and 2. Passed out drunk at my friend's house during which time his roommate thought he could go ahead and have at me). I did wake up enough to tell the second guy to get the EFF off me (which he did) but still...I was drunk and alone with the opposite sex so of COURSE it was my fault, right? That's EFFED UP!!!

    I haven't tried much to heal all these years because I have children that need me more than I need to visit my own "pit of despair" so I can deal with all the crap. At least that's always been my excuse. Put others before yourself...that's the JW way! Why can't caring for others AND yourself at the same time be a viable option?

  • amama2six

    Once again, thank you to everyone for the warm welcome!!!

    I just read a post on another thread from an individual who recently went back to the KH a couple of times for an "outsider's point of view"; as a way of getting closure. I know some of you might disagree but I think this may be something I will have to do eventually. Nobody here knows me (600 miles from the last KH I ever stepped in) so the whole DF thing wouldn't even have to come up. I was so bitter, angry, and defiant when I left that I missed out on the realization many of you have already reached...just how INSANE their teachings ARE. Well, I KNOW they are insane but it would bring a lot of closure for me, I think, to be able to go back as a true ADULT and "outsider looking in" to solidify that while I did a lot of stupid things in the process of leaving it was a result of the craziness I had been forced to live through all those years. I want to sit in a room full of these brainwashed individuals, listen to the crap being dished out that they're so willing to accept, and smile to myself knowing that I am FREE!

    It's kind of funny, actually, how one of the JW's own analogies on child rearing explains perfectly what happened to me when I left. They likened it to holding a spring pressed between your fingers. Let it go too soon and it will fly out of control, hold it too tightly for too long and then let it go and the same will happen. Let it go slowly over time and it will remain controlled. Well...I was a spring held too tightly for way too long and by the time I shimmied my way from between the fingers of control I went CRAZY with new-found freedom. A lot of hurt came from that period of my life and I've blamed myself for so long.

    I just realized something...I was raped at 18 and 21...both while in what you'd call a "bad situation". I never pressed charges (even though these were people I KNEW) because my immediate mind-set was it was my fault for putting myself in the situation to begin with (drinking and being alone with the opposite sex...oh, and I didn't scream either time because I was 1. Given the date-rape drug so I COULDN'T move, let alone scream (first time) and 2. Passed out drunk at my friend's house during which time his roommate thought he could go ahead and have at me). I did wake up enough to tell the second guy to get the EFF off me (which he did) but still...I was drunk and alone with the opposite sex so of COURSE it was my fault, right? That's EFFED UP!!!

    I haven't tried much to heal all these years because I have children that need me more than I need to visit my own "pit of despair" so I can deal with all the crap. At least that's always been my excuse. Put others before yourself...that's the JW way! Why can't caring for others AND yourself at the same time be a viable option?

  • sass_my_frass

    Hi and welcome!

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah that's EFFED up! You must be a remarkable woman to live with confidence the way that you do after what you've been through. Be proud of yourself!

  • snowbird

    Hello and welcome.

    So much pain, and yet so much resilience.

    You show a wonderful spirit.


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