the six screen of the watchtower conferencecall

by verystupid77 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ibme


    Might me say, "Me does not believe any human is stupid,
    just insight from a different viewpoint".

    Just remember you DO NOT have to answer any question
    about yourself.

    There are some here on the board that just love to ask
    question but at the same time will never say anything
    about themselves that has meaning.

    For the most part ALL try to be helpful.



  • Quirky1

    Welcome to JWD VS!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Verysmart77, if I may... Incredible the fear of just expressing your thoughts, isn't it? All you did was let be known that you have doubts and yet it feels as if the whole world knows you did it. Have no fear, or at least reasonable fear. You haven't done anything wrong. Take it slow. They protect pedophiles indirectly. It is the result of an overall acceptance of "repentant" ones and no ability to discern the clinical side of the mental illnesses involved in the crime of abuse. W.Once

  • yknot

    I can't wait until you change your username to verysmart!

    I am so glad you have joined! I know the fear all to well but I am glad I got over it and you will too!

    Your doubts will not go away, it will just linger and for good reason! In my hall we had a registered pedophile attending the congregational bookstudy and the PO and his best Elderbud knew but didn't inform the BS conductor! We had several small children matching the description of his victim attending too. This said he (pedo) was respectful, just came and left without bothering anyone but you should have seen BS conductor face when I ask about him. He was angry, embarrassed and really pissed that the PO had 'endangered' the BS by not revealing this man's dangerous past!

    So if there is a little JW voice telling you the Brothers will handle is dead wrong! There are boy's clubs within the Elder Boy's clubs!

    BTW I suggest strongly you go to for more information about the WTS policy & is not something to be taken lightly!....but has been when GB members have been accused! DFing just shipped off elsewhere!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I agree, stupid you are NOT.

    There is nothing stupid about being lied to and manipulated....


  • whitman

    Welcome aboard! I agree with everyone here... you are far from being stupid... so I'm looking forward to seeing what you might change your name to. You must be pretty switched on to have spotted a rather serious problem most prefer to ignore, or simply do not see.

    Again - welcome aboard!

  • WTWizard

    There is a good reason why you did not find it in the search engine. If it was not among the top 10, it will not show up on Page 1. And that is where most novices stop.

    What you have to do is search for additional pages. At the bottom will be the page numbers, with a "Next" (and "Previous", if you are not on page 1). Hit the number, or the "Next", and you will get the next 10 addresses. Keep that up until you find the one you are after.

    Bear in mind that this goes, not just for Six Screens, but for any Web site you are trying to find. If you do not bookmark it or remember the URL, it can be difficult to re-locate them. That is because some site can make the top 10 one day, and be down several pages the next. It does help if you bookmark it (yes, I do have Six Screens bookmarked, along with this forum and several other apostate web sites).

  • Quandry

    Welcome, VS.

    You said: am new here and scarred out of my mind.

    I was "in" for more than thirty years. I remember the first time my hands touched the keys to start a post here. They were trembling. Many here have said they thought demons might come out of the computer.

    As someone here posted a long time ago, "Better to have questions that can't be answered, than to have answers that can't be questioned!!"

  • jgnat

    VS77, it's great that you have been doing your own investigations. If your husband is die-hard JW, though, I wouldn't start with six screens. I wouldn't start with the "evil internet". Instead, rather, try a topic you think he might be most open to. Just drop a hint or two and see how he reacts.

  • mouthy

    I am resurrecting this post because I am hearing from "stupid77" She is by NO MEANS stupid. But she is extremly scared of her hubby & the WT....

    She isnt sleeping,eating, & has suicidel thoughts.She is reading the board. Come on gang !!!!!! She needs some of your input as to how YOU felt when YOU found out it wasnt truth???? I am worried about her. I dont know her, but when she first posted I gave her my e-mail. Flipper please respond to her it you can.... She doesnt know how to send e-mails on board ,I tried to explain but you know me. DOH!DOH!!!!
    O.k Kids Lets encourage her Please.


    p.s stupid77,I dont want you to think I dont want you to continue to write me, I just want some others on board to explain that your thoughts when finding out we were under mind control how THEY felt....(HUG)

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