I'm over my pouting now.......may I come back?

by journey-on 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    Thanks to everybody who has replied with open arms, both by post and pm.

    Not Feeling It said:

    Political threads are crap because I'm sure whatever your ideology, someone thinks it's wrong. Cool.

    I really enjoy participating in them though. But, I will refrain from now on (I'll try) because it is truly an exercise in futility (on this board, anyway). I've come to realize the striving to find balance is first a personal journey than a community one. But I'm still going to read them.

  • BurnTheShips

    Welcome back JO!

    You have been missed!


  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It said:
    Political threads are crap because I'm sure whatever your ideology, someone thinks it's wrong. Cool.
    I really enjoy participating in them though. But, I will refrain from now on ( I'll try) because it is truly an exercise in futility (on this board, anyway ). I've come to realize the striving to find balance is first a personal journey than a community one. But I'm still going to read them.

    I'm sorry, I can't talk to you until I've researched your aforementioned politics. At which point I will comment back regarding my prejudice around your stupid, cry-baby opinions and how terrible they are.

    Seriously though, I agree with your point regarding futility on this board. There doesn't seem to be much give and take. Additionally, I think there is too much domination of strict Right vs Left ideology which extends beyond this board. Too many people are judged far too quickly for being liberal or conservative (nevermind lame regionally specific parties and affilliations). There are spaces in between and even different layers (e.g. moral liberalism and fiscal conservatism.)

    Beyond that, this is a fascinating board with tremendously helpful insights from the formerly JW and related communities.

    Welcome back!

    -- Not Feeling It.

  • BurnTheShips
    Seriously though, I agree with your point regarding futility on this board. There doesn't seem to be much give and take. Additionally, I think there is too much domination of strict Right vs Left ideology which extends beyond this board. Too many people are judged far too quickly for being Liberal or Conservative. There are spaces in between and even differnent layers (e.g. moral liberalism and fiscal conservatism.


  • journey-on

    Hi, Burn

    Good to see you, too. "Let's get ready to rumble"!..........(just kidding, Simon)

  • PEC
    A whirlwind plus a cuddly teddy bear. Whatever do you mean by that?

    That would be a tornado. Need I say more? The teddy bear is to welcome you back.


  • Hortensia

    oh I missed something. I never read the political threads, shucks. Welcome back! Let's pick a fight with someone about broccoli - make things exciting around here!

  • hillary_step

    Journey On,

    I've come to realize the striving to find balance is first a personal journey than a community one.

    This is a very astute observation.


  • journey-on

    Hi, Hortensia

    Let's pick a fight with someone about broccoli

    Okay. Broccoli should be cooked till it's completely limp, no crunch to it at all, and all the nutrients totally cooked out of it. That's the only way to eat it! Oh yeah, then cover it with cheese whiz...

    Hillary_Step: Thanks...I think... Or, were you saying that "astute" comment with sarcasm...LOL Sometimes with you, I can't tell.

  • Hortensia

    well, I agree with you completely. Cook broccoli until it has no fight left in it. Then cover it with ranch dressing. Then throw it away.

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