Why Don't Witness Parents Get Angry?

by metatron 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    The 'worldly' say..Sh*t Happens!

    In the JW world "Suffering Happens" and we are programed to accept badness, if we speak out; we are causing divisions. So suffer the little JW people of the world.

    We had a Elderdad that let his kids participate in (((( gasp )))) sports and cheerleading, he was deleted immediately and DF shortly there after for causing divisions......Mother is there to 'protect and guide us' and all mother's are required to mete out discipline if her children are being a disturbance. .......

  • BabaYaga

    Oh, well, the Society TOLD them not to have kids in this time of the end!!!! They brought it upon themselves!

    You are so right, Metatron. The society does not like kids at ALL. No separate child-friendly teaching, and SPANKINGS HUGELY ENCOURAGED if they dare to act like a child!!!

    Dang. I just got sad thinking about it.

    Good thread.


  • K.Matthews

    For me the thought was "discipline is love" so the crappier I was treated the more love I guess I was shown. Yeah that works really really well

  • BFD
    I tried to reason with the father that the Society does nothing for young people but nag them and disfellowship them.

    It's been going on since at least the late 70's. I am living proof.

    Think about the mindset of negativity, mistrust, and the dark future of Armageddon.

    a recipe for success? I think not

    The story of my life. I don't even know how I've made it this far.


  • changeling

    I grew up a witness in the 60's and 70's, I can tell you from experience that the WT does NOT care about youth. Not "normal" youth anyway.

    If you are not a "goody two shoes" pioneer/wanna go to Bethel geek you are just in the way.

    I know, I was in the way.

    changeling :)

  • New light for you
    New light for you
    I sometimes wonder if this sad, sick cult has people so bamboozled that aside from a few momentary tears, these people look at family life as just another responsibility, one more thing that they have to do, like attend meetings or go out in field service. They seem to let go so easily of what other - 'worldly' - parents would fight for : their children. Indeed, children seem to be treated as near enemies - troublemakers, future fornicators, persons to be dominated and steered away from higher education.
    The Society never liked children. You'd think that Witness parents would catch on, but no. What they have gained at great cost and sacrifice, they are so willing to walk away from. And this is Jehovah's way.......

    You know what... thank you. I've never NEVER thought about it this way... I've always said "the society HATES children.. but i never realized how the feelings get sent down the line. I hate to say.. i have a bad attitude toward my children... much how you worded the society "feels" about kids. This is horrid. At least it makes sense, I can change it... i NEVER would have thought that THAT is where it was coming from.. but it makes perfect sense! From the minute their born they are a bother and a nuisense... and the sisters are the ones that taught me how to spank and use switches!

    Holy crap. Thank you for that revelation. We've only been away a couple months... so many things to change and ponder......

  • Evidently Apostate
  • PublishingCult

    The WTBTS is a printing and publishing corporation.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are its non-commissioned, non-salaried sales force.

    Children of JW's are literature peddlers in training, and JW parents are their sales supervisors/trainers.

    The WTBTS MISSuses Scripture to put the entire burden of the child's spirituality/conditionability/sales training on the parent.

    They don't care.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I sometimes wonder if this sad, sick cult has people so bamboozled that aside from a few momentary tears, these people look at family life as just another responsibility, one more thing that they have to do, like attend meetings or go out in field service. They seem to let go so easily of what other - 'worldly' - parents would fight for : their children. Indeed, children seem to be treated as near enemies - troublemakers, future fornicators, persons to be dominated and steered away from higher education.

    Very well stated, I agree.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I love the passage in one of their books where it says some parents may feel since they were told the end was coming and decided to forego college that their children should go. Nothing could be worse?!?

    I think that was from the draw close to god book, but the nerve of them to even make such statement SMDH

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