Sooo I'm officially an old man...

by mkr32208 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I was late for my clinical at the hospital the AM so I was going too quickly with my hands full of books and stethoscopes and assorted bullshit and slipped and fell on the f$%king stairs at the hospital, concrete and steel steps! Why can't they make steps out of pillows and jello?... Worse I was on the last step so instead of just sliding I went out and down... The bottom step hit me right across the top of my back. (mid scapula if your interested!) Oh my GOD I'm crippled! I'm just now able to get my hands up enough to type.

    Everyone was telling me to go to the ER but I've got no insurance and as a broke student I DO NOT need a 3000 dollar medical bill... I could move everything so I guess I'll live! Just made me realize how old I'm getting. I had to leave my motorcycle at the hospital and have my wife come get me, pathetic! A few years ago I could have grabbed the rail or at least not felt like I was going to die...

  • hillary_step


    Did I read this correctly?

    Are you training to be a medical professional and yet cannot afford medical insurance? If so, what sad and ironic indictment of your nations priorities.


  • Hope4Others

    Sorry about the little trip...hope you back to new quick.....

    Oh pleeeeez old,

  • SuperApostateGirl

    You mean 69 don't ya mom?

  • Hortensia

    I hope you feel better soon.

  • mkr32208

    When I woke up this morning I felt young... Now I feel old...

    I have a high pain tolerance... I had a metal bar go almost through my leg before while doing construction I pulled it out spent a few minutes putting away my tools and drove myself to the hospital for staples... This hurts so bad I was unable to take my clothes off when I got home...

    Yeah HS I'm in school to be a RN. G lost her job when cingular got bought out and is making only 10 an hour and we have two kids... SOOOO no money no insurance no NUTHIN' right now! If we DO get any money freed up it won't be spent on me we need to get the 4 year olds shots that are due and it's almost 200. The state recommended a 'cheap clinic' they want $170... Yeah for $30 I'm not taking them to some dirty inner city clinic!

  • jamiebowers

    If you haven't already, please check into Medicaid in your state. You and your whole family may be eligible for coverage. In the meantime, check with your local county hospital to see if they have any assistance programs that may either reduce or eliminate an emergency room bill.

    Here is a link to Medicaid in Florida.

    Good luck!

  • crazyblondeb

    I hear ya....When I went thru nursing school, my daughter racked up dr and er bills out the butt. Nothing I could avoid.

    Thank god, I already knew alot of the dr's.

    Our health system sucks, big freaking ones!!

  • mkr32208

    We've applied... We were told they wouldn't even process the application until the four year old has her shots up to date... ??? So I can't afford medicine but I can't get assistance because I can't afford medicine? How does THAT work?

  • jaguarbass

    I'm glad you survived, hang in there.

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