Men: what do you want us women to know to understand you better?

by LouBelle 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    When shopping we don't even have to try something on...we like to get in and out. When your shopping just make sure not to spend to much time trying things on and asking everytime what we think. Will you be happy? Fine it looks great!

  • Mincan

    People are people, no matter their gender.. there is that simple enough?

  • TweetieBird


    I'm 30, and my wife is 28, and sometimes I think were in our 70's already.

    Do you have small kids? If so, hang in there. Most women hit their prime around 40 and it only gets better from there. If you have small kids, offer to keep them for her for a few hours so she can go do something she likes, i.e. spa day, shopping. She'll probably rip your clothes off when she gets back home.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I can only speak for me and what I perceive from my generation. (mid 30's here...)

    Not all men are the same, but you have to respect what the individual is all about. So just go in with eyes open. If you see that he likes watching a lot of football on the weekend, don't try to change that. Learn football if you want to be with this guy.

    If he drinks beer every day and you make it a condition that he can't do that, he will only drink beer when you aren't around. Don't kid yourself. Learn the difference between an Ale and a Lager.

    Does he like to read or putz around the house? He isn't going to go clubbing with you after marriage/moving in together...

    Good Questions!
    Bush or Clinton? O'Really or Olberman? Fox or MSNBC?

    Mary Ann or Ginger? Madonna or Cyndi Lauper? Debbie Gibson or Tiffany? Brittney Spears or Christina Auguliera? Amy Whinehouse or Duffy? Jenna Jameson or Brianna Banks?

    Beatles or Rolling Stones? Led Zeppelin or the Who? Bon Jovi or Def Lepperd? Nirvana or Pearl Jam? U2 or Matchbox 20?

    In short, it isn't the man. Every man is different. Know yourself! Know him. Don't lie to yourself. If you have non negotiable items and you see them in the guy, don't negotiate with yourself and say that you can change him or you. If he isn't into you, don't take his politeness as acceptance of you.......

    As far as understanding men, from my point of view, get to know me and like me as a person. Don't try to change me, be yourself, and let the chips fall where they may. (I don't play games.....)

  • OnTheWayOut

    We don't know which shoes or purse or earrings go best with that outfit.
    Even if we do know, you ask then ignore our opinion, so YOU CHOOSE.

    We don't like the loaded questions:
    "Does this make my butt look big?"
    "Do you think that woman is prettier than me?"

    If we were asked about choosing a movie, we really prefer the one that is
    not a chick flick, so if we go along, we are just being nice and we expect
    something in return.

    ...and as has been mentioned:

    Well, you could fondle our naughty bits more.
  • IP_SEC
    Men: what do you want us women to know to understand you better?


    Nothing. Men and woman are essentially the same, 'cept for the body parts that make womans oh so delectable to men and vice versa. Its all good.

  • Dorktacular

    Women, learn to be quiet and take in the moment. Seriously. There is such a thing as a "comfortable silence". When a guy stands there looking at the sunset and you're there with him, there's a reason why he's silent. The moment speaks for itself. If you start gabbing about how beautiful it is or start asking him questions about what he's thinking, the moment is lost. Forever. Learn to observe what he observes. We're not being rude, we're trying to share our experience with you, just you, in real time. If you went to the Louvre, and somebody went through and put yellow sticky notes all over the paintings and sculptures describing them in excruciating detail, all you would see is a loud, yellow obstruction covering the beauty of the art, even though the person leaving the yellow stickys thought they were being helpful by pointing out things with loud yellow stickys.

    My wife and I have been married for just 3 1/2 years. We dated a couple of years before we got married. My favorite holiday is 4th of July. Why? Not only because I love America, but because for me it is the perfect holiday. There's no stress, no presents or cards to stress about, just grilled meat, beer and fireworks. I love fireworks. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

    I have yet to "enjoy" a fireworks display with my wife. Why? She insists on photographing or videotaping every fireworks show we've ever gone to see. Instead of her watching with me, she's somewhere off to the side with a camera. It's lonely in a bizzarre way. I begged her this year to leave the damned camera home so we can actually enjoy the moment. She just doesn't get it. She says she takes the pictures to remember the moment, but really there is no moment to remember. We never look at the pictures or the video. We never say "Hey, remember that great time we had that 4th of July?" The real moment is always sacrificed to the gods of posterity, and the memory is forever obscured by a loud yellow sticky note. Just once I want to have her by my side, put my arm around her and just watch. That would be something to remember.

  • LouBelle

    Mr Flipper - If you were human I would have to fight for your affection.

    Dorktacular - I'm "into" the comfortable silences

    It amuses me a little so see how some think men & women are just the same bar for the phyical difference and then others believe there is more.

  • Archer
    "Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich."


    As they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I guess what ladies should understand is that guys do understand without having to say they understands things. Understand?

    But seriously, I think very few men would want to spend time in talking, they'd rather go straight to sex, and dirity talk during it.. well it is as deep as it gets.

    here is the essence from man of depth John Nash - Beautiful mind

    "I don't exactly know what I am required to say in order for you to have intercourse with me, but could we assume that I said all that? I mean essentially we are talking about fluid exchange right? So could we go just straight to the sex?"

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    If chimpanzees run the zoo, then we're Ferraris.

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