So now I'm disgusting? What?

by heybaby 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • QuestioningEverything

    When I was 22 I got reinstated on a thursday night. The Circuit Assembly was that Saturday and I was nervous to go but glad that I was no longer DF'd. There was one elder at our hall who was quite rude. He seen me that Saturday morning and approached me. I thought he was going to say something nice or encouraging like 'glad youre'back or let me know if you need any help.' What the Hell was I thinking? Instead he came up to me and said, 'yeah, I heard you were reinstated, let's hope you keep it that way.' and walked away. I was stunned. My mom was furious and called him later on and confronted him. He said I misunderstood him.

  • jamiebowers

    I thought he was going to say something nice or encouraging like 'glad youre'back or let me know if you need any help.' What the Hell was I thinking? Instead he came up to me and said, 'yeah, I heard you were reinstated, let's hope you keep it that way.' and walked away.

    Well, it looks like you didn't "keep it that way". Good for you. These guys are a**holes with a title, and that's all they are.

  • JK666


    I feel your pain.

    I had a similar situation, but different.

    My car broke down in the middle of the month. I had to fix it lying on my back in the snow.

    I broke down in a violently opposed person's driveway. She rammed my car repeatedly until I could get a neighbor to help me push it out to get towed.

    I was out of work, and spent the rest of the month getting the parts to get it fixed. And they had the same sympathy for me as you.

    Welcome to the LOVING brotherhood!


  • JK666


    That was the last time I was honest about my hours in FS. They only wanted their ears tickled. So I gave it to them.


  • lancelink

    I heard she died about a year later, we did not see them at the meetings again. That story just tore my heart, what a terrible thing to do.

  • dawg

    Don't get mad, get even... Elder A, came up to me and told me that I couldn't go out in service because of my hairdo; it was the mid 80's and I had it cut in a crazy way, but it had long since grown out and was just plain short.. it was cut like Vanilla Ice, but it had grown out months previous. He told me I had a rebellious spirit and didn't act like JW; at the time I was pure as the driven snow just wanted a different hairdo.

    So, years go by... I see as$hole in the grocery store, he's running from me... I go over to him and say quite loudly, "this man won't speak to me, won't even speak to me because I'm no longer a JW... does that sound like the Jesus he's supposed to be worshiping"? Or something to that effect... hge ran from the store like a demon had grabbed him...LOL!

  • flipper

    HEYBABY- I'm sorry you had to go through that abusive behavior by the elder to you. It just confirms what I've been pounding into everyone here on the board about my personal experiences as well since I joined the board in March of 2007 ! The elders are ONLY concerned about HOW the witness organization looks on the outside to others and to people outwardly in the congregations ! They are only concerned about producing numbers to make the organization look good ! Everything is about outer appearance - not what a person genuinely is on the inside - that part doesn't count ! It is disgusting that men serving as elders would show such a lack of human compassion to someone having pneumonia ; while out of the same mouth claiming to be " crags in a waterless country " for people to turn to in time of need ! It just shows how truly hypocritical these elders are ! I went through unjust treatment plenty myself my friend, hang in there, we understand. You can have a better life ! You deserve better ! You don't need the elders in your life. They are damaging- not helpful ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • BreakingAway

    People are people, and quite frankly, most of them are idiots.Some of them even happen to be elders.They knock on doors to bring more people in and be part of the "happiest people on earth" who reside in a "spiritual paradise" and then they say all kinds of hurtful crap to chase them off.Some of these guys seriously need to be bitch slapped.

  • WTWizard

    I hope you are not planning on applying to pioneer (and that goes for anyone), but not because of failure to make your time the first time. Because it is all a scam. You are planning on spending all your time bringing people into God's Temple--a God that does NOT deserve anyone to worship Him.

    And because they did not appreciate the effort the first time.

  • WTWizard

    I hope you are not planning on applying to pioneer (and that goes for anyone), but not because of failure to make your time the first time. Because it is all a scam. You are planning on spending all your time bringing people into God's Temple--a God that does NOT deserve anyone to worship Him.

    And because they did not appreciate the effort the first time.

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