Some questions about WT sources

by witnessgirl 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    One of the posts on misquotes had a link to a site with a comprehensive list of misleading quotations, but the link does not work any more....where can one get a list of these misquotes?

  • cathyk
    I really really like your website, BTW. I collect old Society literature (mostly Russell and Rutherford stuff), and I wouldn't be surprised if I've done business with you at some point or another. Dealing in old WT publications always seemed like a fun business to me, I just could never do it because I hate to part with anything really old or interesting, even if I've already got multiple copies. I liquidated most of my library on eBay after I DA'd and have been kicking myself for it ever since.

    Thanks for the kind words. I'll bet we have run across each other before. You can email me at the address on my website if you want to talk about collecting.

    I got rid of some of the magazines from the 1970s and later when I got married so as to cut down on the amount of stuff I had to move. I, too, kicked myself later. I'm just thankful I held onto the books and booklets! I'm still looking for early ZWT, Russell, and Rutherford stuff for my own collection, too. I already have quite a bit.


  • cathyk
    I have often wondered if this might not be the true historical foundation for their teaching that Jesus died on a simple stake in the ground - is it possible that they did not even think this up on their own? Kind of like they recycled 1914 from the Adventists?

    Much of the JW theology (soul sleep, anti-Catholicism, etc.) is borrowed from Adventism because that's the strongest influence Russell had when he was devising his system. Nothing is original to the JWs: not speculations on dates, not the stuff about the Great Pyramid, not the railing against "paganism" in other Christian denominations, not even its anti-Trinitarianism. Nada.

    Their one big original thought, the preaching work, is original only in scope, not in kind. I do believe they could claim to be the first to have done it in a seriously organized fashion, rather than using the haphazard techniques of, say, the Baptists.


  • witnessgirl

    At least part of why I left was realizing how little WT doctrine was unique. I discovered the United Church of God, which denies Hell, denies the Trinity, believes in soul sleep and the Paradise Earth, doesn't celebrate holidays, stresses the importance of using the Divine Name, loves to quote Matthew 24:14--pretty much everything except 1914 and the FDS. Their literature is much slicker than the Society's, however (magazines that actually look like magazines, thick glossy tracts). There are other groups that are really similar.

    It's amazing to me how much they borrowed from Catholicism. I've read that at Bethel, they deliberately give out work assignments that are completely different from people's secular areas of expertise to instil a sense of humility. For example, a graphic artist might be assigned to work in the laundry; someone who worked for a dry cleaner might be assigned to be a graphic artist. The Jesuits do the same thing in their monasteries, and for the same reason.

    EDIT: and, for whatever it's worth, I really regret parting with these:

    It honestly never occurred to me that their contents differed from those of the bound volumes. :(

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    I admit, i dont get it.

    Read it again... you say you are a college student...

    Would you reference someone else who is quoting you, as if they were the originators of the quote, to lend credence to your own argument?


    Solace believes the earth is flat.

    He sends a letter to the editor of his paper that says that.

    Then Solace tells his friends... you see, the earth IS flat.. it's in the paper!


    That is what the WT did with Il Piccolo. Make sense?

  • Solace1998

    what does me being a college student have anything to do with it?!?!

    man, no need to be a jerk.

    you didnt make it clear what was happening here, it just looked like the borg quoted it twice.

    want to see my report card mate?

  • Solace1998

    I find it funny that if i disagree, i get flamed - if i agree, ok -- if i ask questions, i get insulted.

    what a nice place you all have here :)

  • james_woods

    Maybe WT thinks they have given a "mighty trumpet blast" to IL Piccolo?

    Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

  • Solace1998


  • james_woods

    Thank you, Solace. For what it is worth, I had not heard the Piccolo story either and that post did not make it clear unless you already knew the story. IMHO.

    It does bring up the point of "selective quotation". WT does a great job finding some fringe opinion that agrees with what they want at the moment, and quoting it like mothers milk.

    Honest journalism shows both sides on such things as earthquake frequency, global warming, famines, etc.

    Exploitation journalism pumps up their preconcieved case with anything favorable to their side - even if it takes a practical misquote.

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