I am a non-JW collector of WT-related books. It all began the summer of 1973, when I was getting ready to enter high school. A JW left the "Truth" book at my house, and the rest is history. While I am interested in the history and theology of JWs, I have never participated in a book study, nor done more than pay a visit or two to a local Kingdom Hall. I did take the Bethel Home and Factory tours in the early 1980s. I work full-time as a homemaker and part-time as an online bookseller specializing in WT-related books, etc (Old Lighthouse Books -- www dot oldlighthousebooks dot com.) I'm originally from Queens, NY. I married Richard in 1985, and moved with him to Northern Virginia, where he'd landed a job. Another job change brought my family to Raleigh, NC, in 1999. We are Catholic -- I'm a cradle Catholic, my husband is a convert to Catholicism from Judaism since 1997. Nice to meet y'all!