what was the one sound bite or comment that helped you see the light?

by siy 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    Good to have you mandate...

    This happened 18/19 years ago... best I can recall

    I've always been an avid newspaper reader... I read where (I think it was Swaggart) was going to have to pay taxes on all items he sold in his ministry if he, or his followers asked a certain price for it. When I read it I thought, that'll effect the JW's...

    Special talk is announced a week or two later... we all waited in anticipation....

    Announcement: "the end is so near, we need to save as many souls as possible.. no longer ask a certain price for the publications, ask for donation"... The same thing the newspaper said weeks earlies for all non-profit (churches) to not pay taxes.

    I got in the car that night, told my dad that announcement was a complete lie; dad said that if I repeated that again I'd be thrown out of the house. Week or two later, they announce from the platform the real reason for the change.., they told the truth this time.

    Started, from that time forward to read so called 'apostate" literature, then I found out the real truth... 18 years since I've been associated with the Wt... best 18 years of my life.

  • ldrnomo
    and this is what he told me: "well, I know the heart has a thought process because the first time I was in bed with my new wife, my heart started beating much faster..."

    I guess the penis must have a thought process too then.


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