Like sands through the hourglass

by purplesofa 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I would like to go on record now and say, "I hate The Secret!"

    The Secret to life is: "There is no secret to life!" Now give me $30.


  • Metamorphosis

    '...and time flows through the hourglass we hold'

    missed your initial post - but saw your other thread stating you were in jacksonville....i just moved to jacksonville myself so PM me if you need someone to talk to.


  • BFD

    Hi Purps,

    The girls are fine. But, I came home from work today and there were feathres all over the back porch. Then I found a mourning dove flopping around in the grass. Simon was using it as a play thing! I scooped it up and put it in a cooler and took it to this lady on the other side of town that does wild life rescue. Poor thing, I hope it makes it.

    I always find the ocean soothing. This is the first time in my life I have not lived near the shore. I sure do miss it.


    PS- How's the foot?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    In reference to dumping baggage into the ocean:

    Is a former lover wearing cement shoes and swimming with da fishes, honey?

    Is my attempt at humor ill-timed?

  • crazyblondeb

    I've been worried about you!! Been wanting you to call just to check in....

    Glad you are ok, you have my number if you need!!

    luvs ya,


  • Mincan

    Hello, I don't know your circumstance but we can all use a pat on the back and a "how you doin'?"

  • purplesofa

    There is no former lover at the bottom of the least not from me.

    I happen to be fond of my former lovers, otherwise they would have never been my lover.

    (my ex-husband is not included)

    He does get alot of Brownie points for the beautiful children we had though, that keeps him from being in the bottom of the ocean!!!!!


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