Witness in-laws destroyed my marriage

by James_Slash 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • James_Slash

    I shall give you a little of information about myself.

    I am 28 and from the UK. I was baptised as a JW (big mistake) in 1996. I married a 'sister' in 2004 and had a child with her in May 2006.

    However, things have turned really sour.

    Last year, my now ex-wife walked out of our home with support from the Police, Social Workers and Domestic Violence workers. By chance I returned from work one day to discover her family (her Grandmother in particular) perched outside the local Police station. When I asked what was going on she told me that she had no idea and that I should go away as this was now 'family business'.

    Subsequently, my wife and daughter disappeared. On speaking to her Grandmother by telephone, she said that she wasn't involved and wouldn't get involved - she was remaining impartial. She did hint between the lines though that her grandaughter's 'spiritual health' had been at risk so she ultimately condoned it. The next thing I knew was a Solicitors letter landing through my door saying that she was divorcing me on the grounds of Domestic Violence. Then came the allegations - all of which were untrue. She claimed that I had abused my daughter (which was also untrue) and I took her to court to pursue the allegations and clear my name. On the day of the hearing she withdrew all of her lies and backed down over her opposition to me seeing my daughter.

    Since then, I have not returned to meetings. My Mother is still a JW and has tried to fight the issue through the Elder's but they have ignored her concerns.

    Old JW friends have contacted me and urged me to return to meetings but I have no interest whatsoever. I used to be brainwashed and would go along with whatever the Brothers would tell me. However, I look at their behaviour regarding drink and immorality, the Paedophile problem within the Organization and the way I have been treated by my ex-wifes family. Not once have they ever contacted me to see if I was ok or to apologise. They continue knocking doors, attending meetings and answering up at the Watchtower knowing they have helped to destroy my daughters family.

    My ex-wifes Grandmother would wash her childrens and grandchildrens mouths out with soap and water if they didn't do what she said. She would then use Jehovah as her excuse and the scripture about not sparing the rod - yet they call me a child abuser! I'm sickened. She is in good standing too! I would be surprised by that years ago, but these days nothing shocks me about the WTS.

    I have now met someone else who is the kindest, nicest person I've ever met. One million of my so called spiritual ex-wife couldn't hold a candle to her.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good for you James, it sounds like your through with being a mind controlled drone for the corrupt Corporate book publishing company..

    The mentioning of the fact that your child could possibly be abused by rubbing soap over her mouth can be used in a court

    of law in your favor, just remember that when and if your in a debate with child custody rights.

    Isn't religion great.........take care

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It is said that living well is the best revenge. If your new girlfriend is the right one, marry her (or just live with her if that's your style), have a wonderful life together, and make sure that your happiness and prosperity are seen by all your enemies and fake friends.

  • DJK

    I think your witness exrelatives are behaving like worldly people.

    I have now met someone else who is the kindest, nicest person I've ever met. One million of my so called spiritual ex-wife couldn't hold a candle to her.

    Looks like your moving in the right direction. Aside from being a good father to your daughter, don't look back.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for sharing your rough story. I am happy you are finding
    rays of sunshine and are out of the ridiculous religion.

  • Hope4Others

    I'm sorry you went through such an ordeal of accusations....Sure couldn't have been easy.

    We have had instances with a relative, similar circumstances, abuse,

    spiritual endangerment...she would read everything she could WT to support her unfounded claims to leave the marriage.

    Its easy to take sides with family members, and many of the family got involved where they should not have.

    It was a real mess.....

    Glad you have found someone to move on with...non jw....yeah!



  • Georgiegirl

    Just out of curiosity, if her accusations were in writing and they were false, wouldn't that be malicious slander/libel and therefore subject to a judicial committee? If you're not DF'd (need to go back and re-read) I sure would consider pursuing it.

  • James_Slash


    My Mother is trying to pursue the issue that my ex should be D'fd for what she has done but up to now nothing has been forthcoming. As my ex has appeared on mainstream dating sites (she originally signed up to JW connect but was removed because she was reported for being still married) I imagine that she doesn't attend meetings either.

  • megawatt


    Not even the well being of The Family unit. It's ok to lie and put your selfish needs in first place as long it's in alignment with WTBS. Sounds like you're doing great, and going in the right direction.

    Keep us posted!!!

  • freeme
    I am 28 and from the UK. I was baptised as a JW (big mistake) in 1996. I married a 'sister' in 2004 and had a child with her in May 2006.

    youre a clone of me! except for the child. i was smart enough to avoid this. still married of course.

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