Europe must stand up to Islam NOW

by B_Deserter 89 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Layla33

    The religious extremists are everywhere.

    The Muslims are being demonised inorder to cause conflict and eventually some kind of war against Muslim nations.

    What does war make? MONEY!!!!

    Who gets the money from the uniforms, guns, ammunition, shrouds etc? The people at the top who manipulate the unthinking people at the bottom.

    Be careful what you believe because often it is NOT the Muslims calling for these 'rights' but agent provocateurs who are shit stirring!

    I couldn't have said it better myself. There are extremists in every religious group out there and most likely when there is a supposed conflict, it is so easy to use fear/propaganda to manipulate people to fight against each other. Thereby, exerting control over the masses.

    Look at 9/11, the so-called Muslim extremists did it, people were so angry, scared and emotional, that the majority bought that explanation hook line and sinker. Thereby giving the US the green light to bomb innocent people, go into their countries and engage in fake wars, costing the country in the trillions of debt - all because of the so-called angry Muslims. Yet, the Christian killers are somehow justified...

  • justhuman

    Perhaps is about time to ask the rights of the Christians in the Muslims countries, and then start to give them rights....

    If a muslim converts to Christian(countries like Iran, Saudia Arabia,)just to mention a few then the penalty is DEATH...

    Or perhaps we should see what muslims done to the Christians in Turkey, 1.5 Million Armenias slaughtered, 0.5 Millions Greek slaughtered, in 1955 the Turkish goverment lead to refuge thousands of Greeks living in Constantinoupole for thousands of years, or the destruction of the Eclesiastical heritage by the Turkish troops in Cyprus in 1974. Churches of from the early Christian era turned into stables, toilets, even clubs.

    Perhaps we should ask the muslims if they accept in their country to build a Christian Church for the Christian to worship their God? Indeed to much tolerance from Europe leads to more damaging results...Instead to support our Christian heritage as Europeans, they are only thinking the rights of the muslims. What about my rights? Why in Europe they are trying to vanish the teaching of Christianity in schools?

    I have seen from first hand how do muslims act. Slowly, methodic, until they get what they want, and the they proceed with the next target. Specially I 'm really pissed off when they are trying in Europe to make me ingnore my 2000 year old Christian history. No I will not back, I will stand against those idiots who think that with these way is better. If you don't know your enemy then you are in deep trouble.

    At this moment we have problems due to Muslims in Europe. Countries like France, Germany, Holland, England, are facing huge problems due to Muslims

    I do not support any violence, or phobia against any religion or race. But there are some dead lines that we should seriously consider in order to prevent future unpleasant events

  • Gill

    Justhuman - But we need to ask ourselves at least one question - If our European countries really are having such huge problems with Muslims, then why do our governments continue to allow such intense migration BY Muslims into their countries and what is their agenda in doing so?

    Could be that they are permitting a 'dilution' of indiginous peoples and divisions to exist in society so that each country is not cohesive enough to stand up to the fact that the world is slowly ploughing on forward to a One World government scenario and if populations are 'divided' they cannot stand up together and shout 'No' in Unity.

    United we stand......BUT dividied we fall!

    Those who pull the strings on this planet know this.

  • fifi40

    Having raised a son to the age of 15 in British schools one of which was a C of E school.....................there is no way on this planet that he would have been forced to particpate in religious acts that he was not willing to or I was not happy for him to.

    If it had been a cause of concern I would have been in there raising hell..............and the outcome would only of been in my favour.

    It is up to parents to decide what is acceptable for their children to particpate in concernig religious studies..............and as my son has been raised as a JW (by his dad)............there has never been an issue when it is has been necessary for him to NOT be in volved in some religious practice.

    Political correctness may have gone mad................but I would go madder!

  • justhuman

    I agree with you Gill, regarding the one world goverment. I wasn't believing that this was real, but this it seems it is happening. The NWO indeed exist. That is why we see Cults like JW's,Mormons, Unification Church, Scientology.

    I recall when I was JW, that they were trying to eliminate our past. Specially our Greek history, and Christian heritage. And if you look at WT's theology it is a kind of Hebrew, kind of Christian, and kind of Muslim. I can tell the same with the Mormons

    Once an elder said to us that the LANGUAGE OF THE TRUTH IS ENGLISH, because first the WT is printed in English!!!!!!!

    I was really shocked...shit I wasn't clever enough at that time for my awakening. I mean the Christian Gospel was spread due to the Hellenic Language and Civilazation through the Roman Empire, the New Testament was written in Greek, and a guy comes to tell us that the LANGUAGE OF THE TRUTH IS ENGLISH!!!! HOW OUTRAGEOUS

    I recall once in the field service when I was "witnessing"to muslim he said show me a book regarding Trinity(because we agree that it was wrong)and he said that they took many contexts from the WT'S Trinity book!!! We had more in common things with the Muslims as JW's ruther than the rest of the Christians!!!

    I guess this is what the NWO is targeting, a religion that will be acceptable from all....

  • Gill
  • Gill

    Justhuman - You know what is so wonderful about the Muslim belief system to a One World Government and that is their, in general, absolute obedience to authority. Half of them do not have a voice and are covered from head to toe in an effort to make them invisible.

    With half the Muslim population already in 'lock down' simply because of their gender, the men are encouraged in extremism and tested in their obedience.....TO THE DEATH BE IT THEIR OWN DEATH, THE DEATH OF OTHER RELIGIONS, OR THE DEATH OF ANY DISOBEDIENT DAUGHTER, WIFE OR FEMALE RELATIVE.

    Turn the world 'Muslim' and you have a ready made mind and body slave and who ever can do that really will rule the world.

    Their punishments are cold, heartless and inhuman.....just as the people who rule the world are!

  • Peppermint

    Having lived in a neighbourhood that was predominately Muslim (Bangladeshi & Pakistani)I have mixed feelings. Without doubt these people have strong families and good communities but they are not there for the good of the host country. I have seen their attitudes change with time as they have become more dominant in numbers, in that they have made more and more demands. As a group Muslims are very mobilised and united in their goals and they will take over bit by bit it is in their psyche. Like the Witnesses they have an ability to present an acceptable face while all the time having an inner feeling of superiority knowing that only they are the future.

    But things are as they are and there is no turning back, high Muslim birthrates and immigration along with notable indigenous emigration will change this country and probably much of Europe and who's to say that a stable Muslim dominated Europe would not be a better place to live but to get to that point much conflict is on the horizon. The majority of the UK population are apathetic towards religion they have grown up with values that centre on freedom of choice and tolerance towards all, not particularly Christian values but values that have allowed Muslims the opportunity to thrive in our society. An inevitable tipping point will occur when a majority of people begin to realise that their freedom of speech is in turn being eroded because of the tolerance they showed to others. I am convinced there will be trouble ahead!

  • Hellrider

    It`s because of our long tradition of "liberalism". We have the same thing in my country (Norway). Lawyers have proposed that in cases of so-called "honor-killings" (when a moslem father kills his daughter for not being chaste enough) - the murderers (patriarchal) cultural traditions should be taken into account, and he should therefore be sentenced more mildly. And that`s on top of our allready way to liberal justice system: "Life sentence" is 21 years, but one prison "year" is only 9 months - and people are paroled years before serving their full sentence. Its very rare that anyone serves more than ten years for premeditated murder in my country.

    But people are getting fed up with it now. The result is that far-right political parties (like Le Pens party France) are getting bigger and stronger - and eventually, they will come to power.

  • Gill

    As Peppermint and Hellrider point out, some people do fear 'trouble ahead' if the present trends of 'one law for one and one law for another continue'.

    In the UK it FEELS as if we are discriminated against because of being white and particularly white males are now the 'victims' of new employment laws which may allow women, blacks and any minority to be given a job but NOT the white male candidate. Certainly this is a worrying event.

    However, neighbours of ours were recently arrested and questioned in a particularly unjust manner. They had been building an extension and their Muslim neighbours were fed up with the length of time it was taking and started to harrass them. The neighbour was working on the project mainly himself (a white man) and could only go so fast. He hired to builders (who happened to be black) to help him to keep the now abusive Muslim neighbours off his bacm. The Muslim neighbours went to the police and complained that their white neighbours were being racist toward them. The Police....(God bless their cotton little socks) ...... turned up, arrested in full view of the white couple's little children and neighbours, the white couple. They turned up in two riot vans, the man and his wife were handcuffed and literally dragged out unprotesting to the riot vans, one in each!

    After 24 hours in cells and questioning, the police released them with no charge saying there was nothing to answer to. No apology however.

    The race card is sadly being used by some black, muslim, indian, asian peoples as a means to attack what is rapidly becoming a white minority.

    It is a sad reflection on our politically correct police that they want to be seen to be doing the right thing BUT instead they are planting the seeds of civil unrest by just not using common sense.

    We need to sometimes as, who is it who is being racist, as racism runs through all races.

    \We may find ourselves in a Europe in which we, by law, the white people, MUST be treated as inferior, because the law says so!

    What a sad state to find ourselves in simply for being 'too nice' and 'too tolerant'.

    We must not allow our governments to be the cause of fermenting civil unrest. Black, white, brown, yellow we must all be treated equally and no some more equally than others!

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