So they are phone witnessing now

by MrsBee 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    Never heard of it in the UK although we know it is done in the U S, I think the Brits are too concerned about the cost of a phone call, imagine you got someone talkative - the cost would go up and up...

    They usually did a phone witnessing night on Wednesday's at the hall

    No way would a British congregation pay the phone bill for that!

    Letter writing by those who could not get out was done, but the congs got concerned about the quality of the letters from elderly ones...

  • Hope4Others

    I did a lot of phone witnessing to lock out apartments and seniors complexes years ago,

    but commercial businesses is way out of line.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Phone witnessing here was always done when it was stormy out, or when there was some gated community we couldn't sue couldn't get in to for privacy reasons.

  • SirNose586

    Phone witnessing's nothing new. When the summer sunlight fades, phone witnessing resumes on Wednesday nights. Good thing I never got sucked into that....

  • lancelink

    Oh man, the memories !! we would get together on a rainy saturday morning, put on some kingdom melodies and write letters and make phone calls all morning. Excuse me while I go bang my head into the wall for doing this stuff for so long.

  • sspo

    At $5 a gallon in some states, maybe the witnesses don't have the cash to drive to businesses anymore.

    Will the Society ever pitch in?

  • amicus

    Very few things irritate me more than being outside working and having to drop what I'm doing and run inside to answer the phone just to speak to a telemarketer, etc. I've not been phoned by anyone selling religion. Anyone serious enough about their religion to think they can peddle it to me should be damn well motivated enough to get off their lazy a$$es and come to my door.


    I'm not easily irritated. That would push one of my well guarded buttons though, I do believe. I might even have a Robdar moment.

    Love you Robdar, wish I was a "grasshopper on that grass" when you returned that "tract".

  • Ténébreux

    They've been doing this in Australia for years. We used to have a group in the KH every week who would search through the entire telephone book and compile a list of names and addresses in our territory, and then another group would bother them on the phone.

  • WTWizard

    The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has been pushing it for some time now. If you are laid up and cannot do regular field circus, they wanted you to call those that were never home or that there was no access to. Another fine waste of time.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Nothing new there.

    The earliest mention I found was in 1951. May 1st issue of the Watchtower:

    The service reports of modern days show that God is accomplishing a mighty work through men and women and children who are fully devoted to him but who are handicapped with some physical impairment. They have enough truth so as not to pray and wait upon God to perform the miracle of divine healing and relieve them of what ails or hampers their bodies, before they try to get something done in his service. They do not have to have the power of divine healing remove their natural infirmities and defects in order to be convinced themselves or to convince others that they have the truth and are witnesses of Jehovah. Just as they are they try to serve as ministers of the good news of His kingdom which must now be preached world-wide. So today invalids and cripples on their wheel chairs or beds testify to the incoming Kingdom by whatever means and to whomever their limited conditions allow. They speak to all who come in touch with them, they write letters, mail out or pass out literature, telephone, use sign language, etc. These are reporting the time they thus devote to witnessing, and they are listed among the more than 375,000 active witnesses whom the Almighty has raised up in this year 1951.

    The earliest mention in the KM that I found was 1978.


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