Why Is Drug Use So Rampant In The US?

by hamilcarr 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC


    It is a high profit biznax to be in. There is nothing intrinsically valuable about drugs. I know from your posts you are intelligent enough to see what Im inferring. The war on drugs like the war on terror is unwinnable. The people in charge dont want it to be won because.... tada!! it provides for a huge bureaucracy.

    The war on drugs also provides a huge illicit economy to north, central, and south america.

  • Gerard

    Why Is Drug Use So Rampant In The US?

    Hedonistic instant pleasure society.

  • IP_SEC
    Hedonistic instant pleasure society.


    as much as you may hate to admit it, society is global these days. It is almost impossible to juxtapose any western county against another as you have. There are other more complicated influences than: "well thats just how USers are"

  • hamilcarr
    as much as you may hate to admit it, society is global these days. It is almost impossible to juxtapose any western county against another as you have. There are other more complicated influences than: "well thats just how USers are"

    Depends to what extent you embrace flux. It sometimes seems that many Americans still think they're living on an isolated nation-state island. Hence, America differs in many respects from the rest of the western world. Drug use is no exception.

  • IP_SEC


    whether or not most USers know it or not doesnt make it any less true.

  • SirNose586

    Supported by no data whatsoever, I'd say boredom, curiosity, and unhappiness are the three biggest contributors to drug use.

  • hamilcarr
    whether or not most USers know it or not doesnt make it any less true.

    The resistance is remarkable. A self-fulfilling prophecy?

  • IP_SEC
    The resistance is remarkable.

    Propaganda hamlc, I dunno. I made my beliefs about the drug problem known.

  • VoidEater

    There will always be substance users. There will always be substance abusers. The former may be seeking ideas or insight or temporary intoxication (ever see kids spin around till they're so dizzy they fall down?) or escape; the latter may be trying to duck from unpleasant, boring or painful circumstance.

    Drug use isn't some monolithic cause/effect machine. And culture-embedded drug use has been around for thousands of years.

    I suppose there is a baseline that will always be there, there are always seekers, the curious and the addicted. That it is higher in the US will be due to reasons beyond the baseline, and are likely to be related to the way drugs are mystified and not dealt with honestly (just as the teen pregnancy and STD issues the US sees are likely related to the way sex is mystified and not dealt with honestly).

    Socially, the US does have extremes of pampering versus want. These extremes most likely produce boredom and hopelessness, which must feed into the bigger picture.

  • SirNose586
    That it is higher in the US will be due to reasons beyond the baseline, and are likely to be related to the way drugs are mystified and not dealt with honestly (just as the teen pregnancy and STD issues the US sees are likely related to the way sex is mystified and not dealt with honestly).

    You've definitely got a point in the sex-ed department. Ignorance is only creating more out-of-wedlock babies.

    There are positive signs pointing to decline in meth abuse in rural Montana. It was all due to a well-created ad campaign that spoke to the target teen audience. As I recall, the numbers of new meth users plummeted statewide, and they are using the tactic in other states.

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