Hey bethelite monitoring this site

by Evidently 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl75

    Hey Mr. Bethelite monitoring dude....

  • Pandoras cat
    Pandoras cat

    Breaking away--you said that perfectly. A strange thing happened about a month ago. A relative (elder) let it slip that he knew the names of the new releases from the convention. He said it was on the internet... The official JW site does not release this info out before the conventions begin. Makes me wonder what he is up to.


  • Honesty

    I have been out for a long time. What is a GB?

    Scarred for life

    Gibbering Buddy of Jehover's Witnesses

  • parakeet

    I've been keeping this a secret for far too long. My conscience can't take it any more. The Bethelite spy is ......... Farkel. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  • chrisjoel

    anyone from Bethel assigned to monitoring this site on any level already Hates YOU more than u know. That they would ever give you the pleasure of a greeting is insanity.

  • Dogpatch

    chrisjoel sez,

    anyone from Bethel assigned to monitoring this site on any level already Hates YOU more than u know. That they would ever give you the pleasure of a greeting is insanity. random anomalies do occur! :-)) I was an "organization man" myself, just needed to see a bigger, better picture, that's all. don't underestimate the binding power of fear in any religious system. All some poor bloke sitting at a desk facing the Margaret has to say to himself... Frank Herbert said it better. Randy

    DUNE by Frank Herbert

    I will not fear Fear is the mindkiller, Fear is the little death That brings total Oblivion I will permit my fear to pass Over me and through me And where it has gone I will turn the inner eye Nothing will be there Only I will remain.
  • Evidently

    Hate is such a strong word, I would like to think that we have a slight disagreement when it comes to choices of god worshiping locations........

    Nevertheless, it would be cool to hear from someone on the "inside" thinking about coming to the "outside", (or the dark side)

    Still no takers, I'm sure there are a few who are tempted........JUST DO IT!!!

  • independent_tre
    They address some of these issues at Conventions, Assemblies, Etc.At times they say things like:"Apostates are stepping up their efforts.

    Very true, at this past DC, a brother giving a talk made a point of saying,

    "most leave the organization due to their conduct, NOT due to doctrinal issues". He made it a point to mention this again in the closing prayer. Apparently, they've gotten wind of all the doctrinal issues that are causing folks to DA or fade. Also during the baptismal talk, they warned the candidates that people will tell them they are joining a cult.

    Wonder where they got all this info that they felt compelled to address at the district convention.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I have a photo of the bethelite monitor!


  • justhuman

    WT does have people that spies apostate websides. I know this from personal experience, plus we have lawsuits by WT's legal department against ex-jw's websides like watchtowerquotes.ca which they shut it down, just to mention one case

    So how can they sue an ex-jw if they didn't monitor the webside? It seems that someone did the monitoring job...For sure those persons are not just plain Bethelites, and for sure they must appointed this "job" into a person that is completely faithful to the Org. I personally believe that it must be one on each WT's branches, and basically in the western world. 3rd world countries are uneducated and have a limited internet access.

    Also I believe WT has a secret agenda, kind of NWO, and it is not a coincidence that they have being using this phrase long before Father Bush brings it on surface in Gulf war in 1992

    In fact I strongly believe, based on my personal experience with a certain C.O, that there persons in the WT that know EXACTLY what is going on, behind the walls within the Organization, and their only task is to PROTECT the system. They know they are wrong, they know they are cult, that is why their only goal is to "protect the Org"

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