High IQ turns academics into atheists

by darth frosty 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Define high I Q.

  • Warlock

    You would have to ask every adult that is alive, or that ever existed, whether they believe(ed) in God, or consider(ed) themselves Atheists, to prove the case one way or the other.


  • amicus
    Who is she anyways?

    I should have said he, not she.

    In the paper, Professor Lynn - who has previously caused controversy with research linking intelligence to race and sex - says evidence points to lower proportions of people holding religious beliefs among "intellectual elites".

    Researchers are just like anyone else. Some are reputable and some aren't. Some just want press, or perhaps their latest paper noticed or published. Might even be grant money somewhere he's chasing.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Very true, Warlock. And high I Q is relative anyway. It only measures a certain type of intelligence.

  • FreudianSlip
    high I Q is relative anyway. It only measures a certain type of intelligence.

    That's just something dummies say. Kidding!!

  • martinwellborne

    he catches the wise in their own cunning

  • FreudianSlip

    "She tries to save the ignorant from their own trap": FreudianSlip 3:16

  • FlyingHighNow
    high I Q is relative anyway. It only measures a certain type of intelligence.
    That's just something dummies say. Kidding!!

    I say this because I can score very high on an IQ test, but my exhusband, who scores around 115, is a genius when it comes to electrical troubleshooting. I am smarter than him in some ways, he is smarter than me. Ever seen people you think are not so smart out type everyone in the office? My dad, whose IQ is 132 told me that the laziness quotient is much more important that the Intelligence Quotient. I'd say he's got a point there.

  • treadnh2o

    This subject really pisses me off- I tested out at 138, am a member of mensa and I could not go to college due to a bunch of stupid elders. I believe a high I.Q is useless unless it is channeled properly. I will not say I am an atheist but I really despise the artificial restrictions of the J-Dubs.

  • FreudianSlip

    Don't blame the dubs for everything. I tested as "gifted" in elementary school and was sent to a "gifted contained" school. My parents (the elder and regular pioneer) thought this was a great idea. We had intensive Spanish classes and high level math.. in 5th grade!

    Upon growing up, I traveled the world a bit and went to college and am currently working on my Master's degree. I have people in their 40s and 50s in class with me and the same was true when I got my undergraduate.

    Don't let anything hold you back from improving yourself!

    Edited to add: I'm agnostic!

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