High IQ turns academics into atheists

by darth frosty 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • amicus
    Intelligence is a predictor of religious scepticism, a professor has argued. Rebecca Attwood reports

    She's a headline grabber. Nothing here. One can argue anything...science is about proof. This can't be proven today, "intelligence" can't be accurately measured in a broad enough cross section of humans to even begin serious discussion.

  • WTWizard

    Besides IQ, the more integrated a person's thinking is, the more likely they are to see God as either not existing or as a cruel, evil tyrant that just wants to entertain Himself by causing people to suffer.

  • snowbird

    My 19-year old daughter (today!!!) has an extremely high "intelligence quotient," still attends the KH, and apparently believes everything that comes out of Brooklyn.

    She's deeply spiritual and has always been.

    I wonder if she'll ever turn atheist?


  • Fadeout

    For a number of years, off and on, I've visited more debate-oriented discussion forums. At some point the argument inevitably devolves into a questioning of the intelligence of the other side, at which point IQs are whipped out to prove whose is bigger.

    Funny how, apparently, every single person with internet access has an IQ of at least 125 or so, and the average is well into the 150s.

    There's no way to get people to be honest about such a thing... why would anyone admit to an IQ of "only" 110 and cast doubt on their intelligence and therefore the value of anything they have to say?

    The first two IQ tests I took came up with values, I believe, of 120 and 135. If someone asked me what my IQ is, which do you think I'd admit to? Yeah.

    Outside a controlled study, it's just a worthless measurement.

  • BurnTheShips
    That's why, when extreme regimes come into power, they kill academics first. Academics know how to think and reason

    LOL. No, they enlist their support. Academics are very vain and it is not that hard to do. Just make them feel important and give them a mouthpiece.

    Intellectuals/Academics are as easily corruptible as anyone else, actually, I think more so.

    What the intellectual craves above all else is to be taken seriously, to be treated as a decisive force in shaping history. He is far more at home in a society that weighs his every word and keeps close watch on his attitudes than in a society that cares not what he says or does. He would rather be persecuted than ignored. --Eric Hoffer


  • FreudianSlip

    I've read though that agnostics have even higher average IQs than atheists or theists. Thank you very much :-)!

  • BurnTheShips

    IQ is like supersonic flight, once you pass resistance at a certain level, it falls off and you become a theist again.

    Some of you are obviously still subsonic.

  • V

    Damn, I'm only half-smart...

  • What-A-Coincidence

    it's not about IQ ... its about COMMON SENSE ... MY CS SETS THE BAR

  • FlyingHighNow
    12 June 2008
    By Rebecca Attwood

    Who is she anyway? I have noted that different intelligence types are drawn to different religious or non beliefs. My IQ is above average. I believe in a higher power.

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