Are You Content Within Yourself?

by AK - Jeff 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Leaving the bOrg of Jehovah presents a somewhat lonely existence for many of us fallen angels.

    For a time we may seek to find an entirely new body-associate. Many may find that after so many years in a controlled environment like the Watchtower that they have a hard time finding a large group of friends again. Others begin with time to realize that they are content to have just a few friends. Perhaps some find that being alone is just fine.

    I realised today that I may be closer to the final group than some. I did the seeking for friends for a while, then began to understand that, in reality, I have been a loner by nature for most of my life as a Jw - I just didn't really know it.

    Don't get me wrong - I have friends. I have met many from this board personally and stay in touch with many more that I have not actually met face-to-face. I have also made local friends in my little town here. People I love to debate politics or human nature with from time to time. I have also come to understand that in the last 30% or one's life, one cannot replace friends as easily.

    My work puts me at home alone several days a week. Conversely, when others are off for the weekends I am working. But I have begun to notice that I like being alone part of the time. I love to get a glass of red, grill up some food that I prefer, turn on Mark Knofler and DS and dance in the Living Room to the tunes I love. I get lots of projects done without distraction. I can meditate about life and philosophy without anyone knocking on my door. And as a former door knocker myself - and well marked by the local Jdubs as Evil and Ir-reformable Apostate keeps even the local True-Religionists away too.

    I think I like myself enough to actually enjoy the solitary time.

    How about you other loners/semi-loners out there? Are you self-contained? Or do you need friends around?


  • snowbird

    I have always been something of a loner.

    I have neighbors around, but I seldom interact with them.

    They know that they can call on me for assistance any time it's needed, likewise I know the same about them.

    I have a garden, grandkids, books, the Internet, and a pretty good job,

    I'm content.


  • R.F.

    Hmmm...this is topic i've really put some thought to lately.

    When it comes to myself, I consider myself a loner. I do have my times when I like to party or have friends around but i've realized that much of the time when i'm at my happiest is when i'm alone. I'm certainly not one that needs friends around me all the time.


  • Casper

    Alone time for me, is pure Heaven...

    I cherish every moment of it, and use it to the fullest.

    I like being around people, but after awhile, I get "Peopled Out" and need my quite, private time to regroup.

    Many times I have felt that having my own secluded island would
    be the grandest thing of all... (complete with amenities of course).


  • purplesofa

    I'm more of a loner. I think people that are content within themselves make for better people.

    I am happier for it, I was not always like this. I am not as anxious, my expectactions are not what they used to be of others. My happiness is not through others. My disappointments are few.

    I like being able to entertain myself. Enjoy my down time. I thought it was just growing up.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey Jeff,

    I agree. I have 2 very close friends and a host of acquaintences (sp?) but for the most part I'm alone the majority of the time. My closest friends live in other states, but I find that I enjoy being with me. I like "me" very much and sometimes I'm the only one that understands "me".

    So I don't feel the need to always be with someone, my alone time for the most part is the best times for me.

    Here's to finding oneself and enjoying it


  • *summer*

    I am also much of a loner. I need regular "me" time in order to recharge my battery (which is a solar energy battery as well:-)

    My bestest friend passed away last July...I still miss our time at the gym and our shopping trips:-( She will never be replaced...

    But when all is said and done, yes, I am very content with my simple life.

  • amicus
    How about you other loners/semi-loners out there? Are you self-contained? Or do you need friends around?

    I fall firmly into the camp of "self-contained" loner. I've lived probably half my adult life single. Happily single too. I have no problem going places alone. I enjoy doing exactly what I want, when I want. Like you, I love music and blast it while I piddle away around the house. Sometimes I like just listening to the birds though. I have a few close friends and do feel the need to talk to others, but not often.

    Having said that, if I chance upon a woman who interests me I do my best to try to get to know her. The times I've been involved in relationships, I'm 100% committed. My most recent girlfriend had 3 young kids (ages 6-10). I spent more time with her kids than she did. I love kids. I was constantly taking them to the lake, hiking, to the park etc. (They were brats too . Sorry just venting. ).

    I'm not sure I could say which I prefer...I like aspects of both I suppose. If I'm single I have fun with that...and if I'm in a relationship, then that gets all my attention. It's funny, normally I'd never go "window shopping", or craft shows etc. But I've dated women that loved doing that stuff and I always had fun when I tagged along.

    This subject is something I often think about, but I sure have no answers.

  • nvrgnbk


  • BurnTheShips

    I think on Internet boards, you find a larger than normal percentage of "loner" types.

    The internet was a boon for INTP personality types.

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