Fireworks/Kids/Non licensed person...ok? or bad idea?

by FreedomFrog 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreedomFrog
    What's their dad think?

    Well, as you know, we're divorce and talking doesn't come very easily anymore. I'm mainly concerned if I'm overreacting or not. Like I said, if I knew the situation a bit better, I'd be a bit more ok with it.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Well, ultimately it's your prerogative. It doesn't matter if you're overreacting or not, so long as you're comfortable with your decision. Ultimately, the responsibility for them lies with you.

  • FreedomFrog
    so long as you're comfortable with your decision.

    Therein lies the problem...I'm not comfortable with either decision.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Flip a coin.

  • oompa

    Oh come on! I too was making them as a 12 year old! And everyone there needs their own coke bottle and a gross of bottle rockets for good fight...just wear glasses...but i never did. As for the display...distance is good...but if they dont have the big cardboard tubes and brown apple sized balls to put in them....dont even bother going...the pros will have them for sure....kaboom.........oompa

  • FreedomFrog
    And everyone there needs their own coke bottle and a gross of bottle rockets for good fight...just wear glasses.

    THAT'S not a very comforting image, oompa...YIKES! And with a 3 year old???

    I can just see missing toes or gouged out eyes, sliced up ears from the broken glass.

  • VoidEater
  • nameless_one

    Maybe you could share your concerns with your friend and ask questions to get a better idea of what to expect.

    Even if you decide against going, the alternative you're offering the kids sounds pretty fun too -- the parade/games/professional fireworks display. When I was a kid, people in the neighborhood set off fireworks and also we would go to see the professional displays. I always thought the pro ones were way more fun and exciting. So I don't think you're being a "party pooper" either way, it's not like you're making them stay home and see no fireworks at all.

  • FreedomFrog

    Well, I do feel a bit better deciding not to go...

    Besides, I'm planning on taking the kids to Red, White, and Boom...and the following video is what they will see...Columbus ALWAYS give a great display and handled by professionals and sitting at a very safe distance.

    BTW-this was last years Red,White, and Boom that was held in downtown Columbus. I've been to every one since leaving the borg.

  • yknot

    Well where I am at there is no license required to shoot them off yourself. There usually are site restrictions in towns and cities....but I live in the rural part of lake country.

    I come from a pyromaniac family (yet I didn't fully inherit the gene) and have shot them off since I was 3.

    I have had things go off in my fingers, known someone who 'made' their own fireworks that burned off his eyebrows, and my siblings plan way ahead for both seasons, sometimes operating a booth so they can get wholesale prices.....they also horde them too for lake parties during the year!.......And no, no Dubber has ever complained about the fireworks, they actually have come to expect them.

    If you are not comfortable, seek out a public display with professional pyromaniacs for your family to enjoy.

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