Elder calling around

by Am ha·’a'ret 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • tiffy0212

    If he can't answer your questions send him on his way. Don't give them a chance to ask you any questions at all. You are the one with the questions. It took them 21 years to call me on the phone to see how I was doing and they see my husband 5 times a week. I won't give them a chance to come to my home. I have a new life that I love and would not trade it for anything in the world. Nothing could ever make me go back to that HELL my husband created for me and my children. I just walked away. I am not disfellowshipped , or disassociated they should have done it to my husband. Anyway who came up with this language anyway. Ask them about the Pyramid at Russell's grave or Beth Sarim see what they say. Russell believed in pyramids and Ritherford built Beth Sarim for the prophets, who were to return. He wanted them to be in a nice place. How many witness are poor and just making it because they cannot further their education?? sounds like a double standard.

    Hope all goes well, sorry to sound off, but when you have all of these feeling inside it is good to vent. You can use me to vent if you'd like. Welcome.

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    Hi, As you are fully aware, there could be trouble ahead. This exJW really helped me....propmin.blogspot.com/

    xxx Strawberry Cake

  • dawg

    I've got a laffer for you rat... they came to my damn house when my UGA Bulldawgs were playing... I was finishing a bong toke and drinking a beer. I told them they never answer my questions and only give me BS answers, but I liked them as friends, so, if they were going to come in my house on Saturday, we weren't going to talk that JW BS, but they were welcome to come in and drink a beer... LOL

    They left, and never came back.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    welcome to the board AM,

    As the others have suggested. I would play it cool. Avoid the meeting if you can.

    In the meantime try and spread the word to your friends about the real truth concerning "the truth".

    If you can spring anybody they will be eternally grateful, and you will have freed them from a dangerous environment.

    Peace to you,

    The Oracle

  • dogisgod

    Welcome. I wouldn't encourage him. I would avoid him. Caller ID? Don't answer the door even if he sees you. He sounds creepy...like he doesn't have god on his mind. Never be around him wo your husband or your 45.

  • flipper

    Welcome to the board Amhaaret ! My wife and I welcome you ! I hope you find some comfort here ! I would not give the elders anything to work with as " ammo " as you phrased it. If you give them an inch - they will take a mile. You are NOT obligated to meet with them about anything

  • Am ha·’a'ret
    Am ha·’a'ret

    In the beginning of my fade (about 6 months ago), there used to be 2 elders that would call to see me but now there's only one. The other guy said he felt that he had nothing to contribute to the situation. Not being boastful but I think this is because he could actually see what I was saying and didn't have a clue how to give a PC answer without conceding to me.

    I told the remaining elder that for his sake and mine he should not come over and visit alone. So either his Mrs or my hubby have been in the house each time he's called over. Seems as tho no other elder in the cong is so bothered about me as to accompany him. That or this bro is working solo. Tut-tut.

    I sent him a message about 12 hours ago and so far no reply which is a little unusual. Will keep you all posted and thanks to all for helping a newbie out on a rocky and unfamiliar road.


  • nondescriptex

    Extended family still in, yes, that makes it annoyingly difficult to just up and walk away. As for speaking to elders about things, I find it best to say little. Miss the phone calls, be a "not at home", etc. They eventually get the hint or give up or get distracted by something else. Elders see a lot of people fade and know there is little they can do about it.

    Welcome to the forum. Take your time and enjoy the open communication. As you've already noticed there are many different opinions and viewpoints. It's great.

  • song19
    There are some very good points made thus far. You don't want to give the elder any ammo, even if he appears to be sincerely caring. If you wish to simply fade, it is best to be as low key as possible.

    Welcome to the site! Can't help but agree with what others have said... and my hubby too.... don't draw attention to yourself if you don't want to get the big D and F.

    Glad you're here.

  • willyloman

    amaharet: Welcome aboard, there is much to learn here. Knowledge is power and will fuel your spiritual journey which, if it's truly spiritual, will guide you far away from where you've been.

    Two pieces of advice from someone who was an elder for more than 20 years and was conducting the WT when he came on board this site four years ago (and is now fully faded and very happy):

    1. This guy has no business coming to see you by himself. If you point that out to him, he will stop. If he argues, ask for the PO's phone number so you can call and ask if HE thinks this is proper behavior (but, of course, do not call). After that, use caller i.d. and do not answer the phone unless you know who it is. If he or any other elder leaves a message, delete it immediately. You do not owe anyone an explanation for where your head is at.

    2. You will get, or have already gotten, a lot of advice on this forum. Don't act on any of it just yet. Read and learn. Take the advice that seems reasonable to you. Reject the rest. We're all very opinionated here, and our experiences vary. Work at your own speed. You'll be fine.

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