Sherriff Joe Arpaio

by Lady Lee 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • OtisBarker

    "uneducted," funny!

    Jail, bad. boo

    Freedom, good.

    Inmate rights, good.

    Free the prisoners, good.

    Believing everything you read on the net, very good.

    It feels good to feels bad.

    Vote democrat.


  • Seeker4

    I saw Arpaio on tv a week or so ago. I watched a while before I realized who it was. He comes across as an arrogant, violent, asshole, and damn proud of it. And the look on his face when he's accused of seeking the limelight!

    There is a difference between being tough on criminals and a psychopath.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Reminds me of the headmaster of the orphanage from Oliver Twist.

  • DubNoMo

    Arpaio has been denounced by The Arizona Ecumenical Counsel, Amnesty International, The American Civil Liberties Union, The Anti-Defamation League, and The American Jewish Committee.

    You left out the Mickey Mouse Club.

  • OtisBarker

    Illegal immigration, good.

    Porous borders, good.

    "Rich" American taxpayers supporting poor "not-currently-legal-in-the-US-future-citizens," good.

    Effective enforcement of Immigration Laws, bad.

    Legal, bad.

    Illegal, good.

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio, creepy bad.

    It feels good to feels bad.

    Down with the system.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    he sounds like a perfect example of someone who has let power corrupt him

  • IP_SEC

    I do not believe anyone should be in prison unless the actually (actually, not theoretically, or potentially) harm someone or their property. You've got people in there (including the whole prison system) who's only so called crime was the possesion of a little bit of unlawful chemical.

    If he only oversaw real criminals, I'd be all for it. Many of the people in prison are not really criminals in the broad sense of the word are they?

  • OtisBarker

    Narcotics offenses should only be considered prosecutable misdemeanors when quantities can be measured in pounds or kilograms or by the ton...or when there is a greater than average chance for accidental ingestion.

    Nature taking its course, good.

    Interference by legal authorities, bad.

    Big fish eat little fish, good.

    Only the strong survive, good.


  • mkr32208

    I know! Can you believe that spell checker! I had put in that she was unedumakated and it CORRECTED it to undeducted... Way to go google spell checker!

    This assbag sherriff is the same rethuglican type thinking that allows GW to get away with committing war crimes every day... I wonder how history will judge US as we sit around and discuss that fact that we know our leaders are committing war crimes and do nothing? The fact that our leaders launched a war of aggression that has killed hundreds of thousands of people based on lies and even though we now KNOW that we were lied to we still allow our leaders to send in more troops and kill more innocents... I'm reminded of the German general population in WWII... What will we say to defend ourselves against the disdain and disgust of our grandchildren? I wonder what history will say of us in 100 years?

  • MinisterAmos

    Remember that this is "jail", and not prison.

    That means these folks are either guilty of misdemeanors, or HAVE YET TO GO TO TRIAL.

    So when this ass starts talking about "punishment", remember that many of these people are still innocent of any crime whatsoever. OK, probably poverty since they can't raise bond.

    I find the lack of concern for basic human dignity frightening given the facts.

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