It's official - my first convention

by kurtbethel 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gopher

    Be sure to pack a lunch in an "acceptably-sized" cooler that can fit under your seat. It should be good exercise -- carrying a cooler, Bible, and recording devices from the car to your seat.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Oh, I thought Jehoooovah was from the States or some other place.


  • Honesty

    Preface every sentence with:

    "The Faithful Slave said..."

    The JW's will think you are an elder, maybe even a Presiding Overseer.


    In Canada..It`s pronounced "Jehovah"..We like our A`s,eh!............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • kurtbethel

    "Actually I'd dig to go to a foreign assembly - more attention with the different accent of course PLUS I'd throw in lots of ""oh we don't do that in SA, Oh no, we allow shorter skirts because of the heat, OUR brothers don't have to wear suits"" Field service on elephant backs - all sorts of mischief."

    I could go for doing field service on an elephant back while wearing a short skirt. Talk about service...

  • LouBelle

    Br. Bethel !

  • Balsam


    Go and report to us what you hear. I think with your fun attitude and colorful shirt and interesting bible you will be a hit. Everyone will be curious about you. A worldly guy coming to his first assembly. I say Bravo if your willing to go. I know how boring conventions are but we were in lock step with the organization there and not there to bring back interesting stuff for those on the outside. I think its cool go for it.


  • Farkel

    :I would welcome any advice on what to expect and what I might do to make it a positive and uplifting experience.

    The best way to have a positive and uplifting experience is to skip the assembly entirely and go to the San Diego zoo. Then go to Kansas City Ribs downtown, eat and have a beer. While there you can pretend you are Tom Cruise in "Top Gun". Be sure to play "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" on Wurlitzer juke box.


  • MissingLink

    I'll buy you a beer if you get me an audio clip of the comparrison of what satans world offers compared to the GB world.

    It goes something like "Jahs organization provides bible training; satans world provides higher education".

    I really need proof of this one.

  • AudeSapere
    Kurtbethel wrote: So, either they are true religion, and I keep my shirt, or they snub my shirt, which means they are lying and a False Religion.

    Well you sure have made it simple. But your simple test may be difficult to determine in just one day.

    My guess is there will be a little love-bombing. Enjoy it.

    -Aude. (PS: Even if they don't overtly snub the shirt, they are still a lying and false religion.)

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