Lets list everything that has pagan origins!!

by song19 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • song19

    I have a feeling I am going to have to explain to my JW folks why I have decided to allow my children to participate in holidays at school. They’ll probably be wondering too why I will get together with our non jw family for the holidays.

    We know JWs avoid holidays because of their pagan origins. I think a very strong argument would be to have a list of everything that is pagan that JWs still use or participate in.

    So, can everyone help and list something with a reference to it?

    1) Origins of the names and days of the week (http://www.therefinersfire.org/days_months1.htm)

    Days of the week:
    The First Day: Sunday was named after the Sun god.
    The second Day: Monday was named after the moon goddess.
    The Third Day: Tuesday was named after the god Tyr.
    The Fourth Day: Wednesday was named after the god Odin.
    The Fifth Day: Thursday was named after the god Thor.
    The Sixth Day: Friday was named after the goddess Frigga.
    The Seventh Day: Saturday was named after the god Saturn.

    Named for Janus, the Roman mighty one of portals and patron of beginnings and endings, to whom this month was sacred. He is shown as having two faces, one in front, the other at the back of his head, supposedly to symbolize his powers.
    This name is derived from Februa, a Roman festival of purification. It was originally the month of expiation.
    It is named for Mars, the Roman mighty one of war.
    This name comes from the Latin APRILIS, indicating a time of Fertility. It was believed that this month is the month when the earth was supposed to open up for the plants to grow.
    This month was named for Maia, the Roman female deity of growth or increase.
    This name is sometimes attributed to June, the female mighty one of the marriage, the wife of Jupiter in Roman mythology. She was also called the "Queen of heaven" and " Queen of mighty ones." The name of this month is also attributed to Junius Brutus, but originally it most probably referred to the month in which crops grow to ripeness.
    Named for the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, this is the seventh month of the Gregorian year.
    Named for Octavius Augustus Caesar, emperor of Rome; the name was originally from augure, which means, "to increase."
    This name is derived from the Latin septem, meaning "seven."
    This name comes from the Latin root octo, meaning "eight."
    This name is derived from Latin novem, meaning "ninth."
    This name is derived from the Latin decem, meaning "ten."
  • watson

    Wedding rings, wedding anniversaries, pot lucks?? Probably not too pagan, I guess.

  • kurtbethel


    Those pagan Aztecs used a bitter chocolate drink in their religious ceremonies.

  • Terry

    If memory serves correctly...

    Ray Franz mentioned the fact that it has been a source of discord among certain Governing Body members in the past that the days of the week and months of the year are blatantly pagan!

    There was one brother (can't recall his name) who actually wanted a vote on changing the names of the weekdays and months to Jehovah-honoring names in order that all JW's worldwide CALL THEM BY OTHER NAMES!!

    Apparently, this was just too crackpot even for the contrarian holier-than-thou GB to embrace and it was voted down!

    Anybody have specific details on this? I find the inconsistancy between their birthday/Xmas reasoning and this to be embarassingly revealing!

  • Robert7

    One thing about society in general is that a LOT of what we do has roots from our ancestors. That's just the way it works, things get passed down generation to generation. We simply take all this, maybe refine it, change it a little, but still rooted from days long ago. This is actually most of the time a good thing, as this is how we progress as a society. This also defines cultures and adds to the wonderful variety of people throughout the world.

    So the fact is, why is the Society SO obsessed with the origins of everything? What should matter most is what it means TODAY.

  • searchingforfriends

    Wedding veils, the wedding kiss, bridesmaids, carrying the bride over the threshold and hearts.

  • confused and lost
    confused and lost

    And lets not forget the Watchtower Society itself.Pyramids and freemasons.

  • Pandoras cat
    Pandoras cat

    Just wanted to add a couple more on some of the wedding origins. The cutting of the wedding cake and feeding it to each other and saving the top layer for a year----all pagan. I know at some weddings the bride was not allowed to have a flower girl because of the origin. They pick and choose what they can observe.

  • cawshun

    eye make-up, it was used to ward off evil spirits, how about all jewelery?

  • jamiebowers

    Lipstick used to symbolize whether a prostitute was willing to perform oral sex.

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